Преводи на оригинални творби на френския професор педагог и основател на Спиритизма Алан Кардек, послания на медиума Шико Шавиер и други автори по теми като смъртта, живота в отвъдното, прераждането, изкуплението, самоубийството, обсебването, болестите, духовете и помощ за живите загубили свои близки.

четвъртък, 27 август 2020 г.

Как жертвите на корона вирус биват приети в Духовните Нива - медиума Дивалдо Франко/ How the victims of coronavirus were accepted in the Spiritual Spheres by Divaldo Franco

 Как жертвите на корона вирус биват приети в Духовните Нива - медиума Дивалдо Франко

How the victims of coronavirus were accepted in the Spiritual Spheres - by the spiritist medium Divaldo Franco

For the english speaking audience translation in English is located as text beneath the video:

Видеото е с БЪЛГАРСКИ субтитри, за англоговорящите има превод по-надолу.


2019, September 15th, the spiritual friends revealed to us: "the clarion sounded".

It makes us recall Nosso Lar (Astral City, described by Chico Xavier) , in 1939, due to WW2.

This clarion rebounded in the whole Earthly psychosphere.

It announced a "shout of watching", and space voices communicated to all spiritual communities, the huge trial that was about to come over Earth within short time.

When the first reports of covid started to arise officially in January 2020, I mean officially because according to friendly spirits, there was already victims despite the calamity was not identified yet.

In that period in January when it was announced (the covid), the spiritual communities in the planet, in each of them, Nosso Lar, for instance, which is located between Rio de Janeiro city and Campos city, according was revealed by Chico Xavier, and other (spiritual colonies) like Redenção between Salvador city and Feira de Santana city, they prepared to welcome the ones who would be victims (of the covid) under the law of cause and effect.

There is no events that are not desired, that are not scheduled.

That is why we must be careful (concerning to hygiene and health issue) is according to the law of cause and effect.

And the mentors started to welcome the first victims of the epidemy.

And when the pandemic arouse, all spiritual communities of the countries were on standby and commissions of spiritual nurses started to welcome the disembodied ones in the Earth itself, and soon after, take them to the spiritual colonies nearby, according to the city, to the country.

The victim started to receive a special treatment of tender and caress, because they were not victims of their own disturbing purposes, but they were victims of collective deaths.

Soon after, they started to receive a specific therapy to release their perispirit from the regrettable mark of that degenerative disease. 

The true is that all of them, with no exception, are receiving the support of Jesus Christ' love, through these spiritual nurses, that diligently are inspiring the workers of the medicine, the dedicated workers of all labors, since the ones who work in hospitals, the responsible ones for the hygienic until the scientists worried to create an urgent vaccine.

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