50. Did the human race begin with one man only?
"No; he whom you call Adam was neither the first nor the only man who peopled the earth."
51. Is it possible to know at what period Adam lived?
"About the period which you assign to him; that is to say, about 4000 years before Christ."
The man of whom, under the name of Adam, tradition has preserved the memory, was one of those who, In some one of the countries of the globe. survived one of the great cataclysms which at various epochs have changed Its surface, and who became the founder of one of the races that people the earth at the present day. The laws of nature render it impossible that the amount of progress which we know to have been accomplished by the human race of our planet long before the time of Christ could have been accomplished so rapidly as must have been the case If it had only been In existence upon the globe since the period assigned as the date of Adam. The opinion most consonant with reason is that which regards the story of Adam as a myth, or as an allegory personifying the earliest ages of the world.
From The Spirit's Book - Chapter III - Creation - Peopling of Earth. Adam - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB
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