In the middle of an uplifting conversation in the pleasant confines of Peter’s home in Capernaum, Sarah, the wife of Benjamin (who raised goats), had been listening to the Master’s remarks. With a look of fascination in light of the new revelations, she asked:
“The notion of the Kingdom of God in our lives is truly sublime; but how can I begin to experience it? We have listened to you
preaching on the lakeshore, and we know that the Good News recommends love and forgiveness above all else … I would love to be
faithful to such principles, but I feel stuck in the old rules. I can’t forgive those who have injured me, and since I can’t fathom a life in which we trade our advantages for the sake of others, I’m attached to my things and am jealous of everything I own.”
Sarah made her confession honestly in spite of the frustrated smile of someone who has met with almost insurmountable obstacles.
“In order to forgive,” remarked Peter, “goodwill is crucial.”
“With faith in our Heavenly Father,” offered Simon’s wife, “we can surmount the hardest obstacles.”
Everyone present had a look of longing expectation, wondering what the Lord would have to say. After a long silence, he asked:
“Sarah, what is the fundamental business of your family?”
“Raising goats,” she replied curiously.
“How do you keep their milk untainted and pure for home use?”
“Lord, more than anything else, we have to very carefully wash the container that is going to hold it. If there is any dirt in the jar, all the
milk will soon go sour and will be useless for the slightest purpose.”
Jesus smiled and explained:
“Thus is the heavenly revelation within the human heart. If we do not purify the container of the soul, our understanding, no matter how great it is, gets mixed in with our inner dirt and goes sour, reducing the proportion of the assets we would otherwise collect. In fact, Moses and the prophets were priceless bearers of divine messages, but the descendants of the Chosen People did not purify the living receptacle of their spirits enough in order to receive them. That is why our contemporaries are righteous and unrighteous, believing and disbelieving, good and evil at the same time. The pure milk of higher enlightenment enters their hearts as new nourishment, but there it gets mixed in with the rust of their old selfishness. Of the renewing work of the soul, only the vinegar of incomprehension remains, thereby delaying the effective work of the Kingdom of God.”
The small gathering in Peter’s home was truly impressed by this simple yet sublime lesson, and no one said a word. The Master, however, got up humbly and discreetly, stroked Sarah’s hair and concluded kindly:
“The dew on a white lily is a heavenly diamond, but in the dust of the road it becomes a muddy droplet. Remember this simple and clear
truth of nature.”
From The book "Jesus In The Home" psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier - By The spirit Neio Lucio
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