Преводи на оригинални творби на френския професор педагог и основател на Спиритизма Алан Кардек, послания на медиума Шико Шавиер и други автори по теми като смъртта, живота в отвъдното, прераждането, изкуплението, самоубийството, обсебването, болестите, духовете и помощ за живите загубили свои близки.

неделя, 26 януари 2025 г.

Christian Worship in the Home

The firmament was full of stars on a night of silvery moonlight, when the Lord, staying at Peter’s house for the time being, picked up
the Sacred Writings, and as if he wanted to set the conversation on a new course after it had become rather unproductive and unedifying, he
asked kindly:

“Simon, what does the fisherman do before he goes to the market with the day’s catch?”

The disciple thought for a few moments and answered somewhat hesitatingly:

“Well, of course, Master, he chooses the best fish. No one would buy the others.”

Jesus smiled and asked another question:

“And the potter? What does he do when he wants to make a piece?”

“Obviously, Lord,” replied the fisherman, intrigued, “he molds the clay and gives it the form he wants.”

With a kind-hearted and piercing look, the Heavenly Friend pressed the matter:

“And what does the carpenter do to accomplish the project he proposes?”

Simon answered very simply without hesitating:

“He planes the wood and then uses the adz, the saw, the hammer and the chisel; otherwise, he could not shape the unformed piece.”

Jesus didn’t say anything for a few moments, and then explained:

“This may also be said of the home. The home is the first school and temple of the soul. The home is the true exporter of individuals for
community life. If the merchant selects his merchandise, if the shipbuilder cannot build a boat without shaping the wood according to plan, how can one hope for a safe and peaceful community unless the home becomes a better place? World peace begins under the roof that
shelters us. If we can’t learn to live in peace within four walls, how can nations expect to coexist in harmony? If we can’t love the brother or sister right next to us, and who is involved with us in our daily struggle, how can we revere the Eternal Father who seems so far away?”

Jesus glanced around the humble room, paused briefly and continued:

“Peter, we need to shine a new light for all who might seek our fraternal assistance. In your house, the table is the place for your bread. On it you receive from the Lord the food you need each day. Around it, why not plant the seeds of happiness and peace in conversation and thought? The Father, who, by way of the soil,
provides wheat for our storehouse, sends us light by way of Heaven. Just as sunlight is the diffusion of the rays that comprise it, abundance begins with the grain of seed. That is why the Gospel did not begin amongst the crowds, but rather in the simple abode of shepherds and animals.”

Simon Peter gazed at the Master with humble, lucid eyes, and since he could not find the right words to explain himself, he murmured meekly:

“Master, may it be as you desire.”

Then, inviting the disciple’s family to join him for an edifying talk and uplifting meditation, Jesus unrolled the writings of wisdom and
started the world’s first Christian home worship service.

From The book "Jesus In The Home" psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier - By The spirit Neio Lucio

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