Преводи на оригинални творби на френския професор педагог и основател на Спиритизма Алан Кардек, послания на медиума Шико Шавиер и други автори по теми като смъртта, живота в отвъдното, прераждането, изкуплението, самоубийството, обсебването, болестите, духовете и помощ за живите загубили свои близки.

петък, 31 януари 2025 г.

The Woman

The woman should become aware of the family institute guardian apostolate that falls to her. 

The elevated task of guiding the souls brought to physical rebirth.

Every commitmentto goodnessis ofthe utmostimportance in the spiritual world.

She ought to keep her distance from appearances and fantasies, consecrating herself to moral conquests that speak closely to the imperishable life; without getting caught up in absorbing conventionalism.

The return to the disincarnate condition means a return to deep consciousness.

It means to tune in to the Christian teachings that place the soul in the services of motherhood and education, in the duties of assistance, and in the blessings of sanctifying mediumship.

Those who run away from the opportunity to be useful deceive themselves.

It is essential to feel and understand the obligations related to the marital unions from the multimillenary life of the Spirit point of view, being conscious of the regenerative trials imperative that marks most of the terrestrial consortia.

Sacrifice represents the price of legitimate joy.

She should oppose any artificiality that seeks to transform marriage into a simple sexual liaison; without the beauties of maternity.

Together with the children, hatreds are erased, love is sublime, and souls are harmonized for eternity.

Recognize the grave crime of abortion, which throws the female heart into the ditch of misfortune.

Deviant sex is a path of atonement.
Preserve herinner values,weighing her deliberations with prudence and realism; in the duties of sister, daughter, companion, andmother.

The woman's work is always the mission of love, extending to the infinite.

"And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and anxious about many things, but one thing only is necessary; and Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away fromher."

(Luke, 10:41 and 42)

(Source Spiritist Conduct - Waldo Vieira - The Spirit Andre Luiz)

The Dimensions of Life

The current advance of the scientific research in the world, with the discovery of the antimatter, of the bioplasmic-body of living beings (perispirit, according to Spiritism), of the paranormal phenomena and the survival of the human being after the physical death, as well as of the mental communications between the living and dead (phenomena theta of the Parapsychology) confirmed the spiritist discovery of the various dimensions of life. These dimensions correspond to the diverse densities of the matter, which allow the existence of the interposed worlds of the spiritist theory.

The discovery that thought and mind are not physical, but rather extra-physical (according to the definition of Prof. Rhine) and semi-materials, according to Spiritism, demonstrated the reality of the existence of different planes of life, inhabited by human beings in different degrees of evolvement. Reincarnation and
the mediumistic communications had become necessary in this dynamic context in which there is no place for “nothingness.” The human transcendence is carried through in the successive planes that go from the plane of dense matter from Earth, until the planes of rarefied matter that escape our material senses. There is no further place for the absolute materialistic conception in the scientific and
philosophical culture of our time.

From The book "Obsession" by Jose Herculano Pires -  Translated by Jussara Korngold & Marie Levinson

Chapter 5 - Under Treatment

Chapter V - Under Treatment

“Are you Clarence’s ward?”

The question was put to me by a young man with a singularly kind

expression. He smiled as he entered, carrying what looked like a large

medical bag. I nodded that I was, and he introduced himself:

“I am Lysias, your brother. My director, Assistant Doctor Henry de

Luna, has placed you under my care as long as you need treatment.”

“Are you a medical assistant?” I asked.

“I am a visiting attendant in Health Service. As such, I not only help

with the nursing but also go on rounds, alerting the doctors when help is

needed, and attending to the needs of newly arrived patients.”

Noting my interest, he went on:

“There are many such assistants here in the Astral City. Naturally, as

a newcomer, you are still unaware of the extent of our activities. Just to give

you an idea, there are over one thousand patients in this ward alone, and this

is one of the smallest buildings in our hospital.”

“This is truly wonderful!” I exclaimed.

Lysias, perceiving that I was about to continue repeating my praises,

rose quickly from his chair and carefully began his examination.

“Your intestinal zone shows serious lesions and unmistakable signs of

cancer, your liver is ruptured in several areas, and your kidneys evidence

signs of premature failure. Do you know what that means?”

“Yes, the doctor explained it to me yesterday. These disturbances are

all of my own doing….”

Noting my obvious embarrassment at this confession, he continued:

In the group of eighty patients under my care, fifty-seven are in thea sme condition as you. Did you know that other patients arrive mutilated? Those who have misused their sight arrive without eyes? Others who have used the gift of agility in crime come to us paralyzed or legless. Still others who have lived sexually depraved lives enter spirit life totally insane. 

The Astral City is not a settlement of triumphant spirits, in the common sense of the word. We are happy because we have constructive worko t do, and there is job in every corner of our Colony because the Lord blessed us with the opportunity to serve.

He paused briefly, and I exclaimed: “Please go on with your explanation, Lysias. I feel so peaceful and relieved. Isn’t this a heavenly abode for the spiritual elect?” Lysias smiled and answered: “Let’s keep in mind the old teaching ‘many are called but few are chosen’.”

Gazing at the distant horizon, flooded with memories from his own past, he continued: “Many religions on Earth summon us to the Celestial Feast. No one who has once felt the existence of God can deny that in good conscience. Yes, many are called but few answer the call. Most of mankind accepts a different invitation instead. We waste our opportunities, straying from our chosen path, allowing our whims to rule our lives and thoughtlessly destroying our bodies. The ultimate result is that thousands of us leave the world in a state of confusion countless multitudes of insane, diseased and ignorant spirits wander as you did in the spirit spheres close to the Earth.

Seeing my astonishment, he inquired: “Did you believe that physical death brings us to miraculous places? We must work hard and perform difficult services to achieve spiritual growth. If we have debts on the planet we must inevitably return to repay them, regardless of the progress we have made, breaking the chains of hatred and replacing them with the sacred bonds of love. It wouldn’t be fair to ask others to clear the field in which we ourselves have sown thorns. That is what is meant, my friend, by the saying ‘many are called but few are chosen’. The Lord forgets no one, yet so few of us remember Him.”

Confronted with the idea of individual responsibility, and remembering my own errors, I could not help but decry my perversity. But before I had time to vent my remorse my kind attendant lifted up his hand and spoke:

“Stop. Let us concentrate on the work to be done. Those who are sincerely repentant must learn to be silent and start anew.”

He carefully proceeded with a magnetic treatment, and then, while treating the area around my lower intestines, he continued his explanation:

“Have you noticed the specialized treatment of your cancerous zones? You see, all honest work in the field of medicine is based on loving care, but the actual healing is left to the patient. You will be treated with great care, and will fell as fit as you did as a youth on Earth. You will work hard, and I believe you will become one of the best assistants in The Astral City.

However, the case of your infirmities will stay with you until you have eliminated all traces of your indiscretions and misuse of your health which still remain in your spirit-body. Our earthly body, so often misused, is giveno to us as a blessed instrument through which we can cure our spirit, if wed edicate ourselves to the task.”

I meditate deeply on what I had just heard, thinking on the infinite mercy of God, and was moved to tears. Lysias calmly finished the day’s treatment and the spoke:

“Tears are purifying medicine when they aren’t caused by feelings of revolt. So cry, my friend, and ease your heart. Let us bless our physical body with its countless microscopic cells, so humble and precious, so detested yet so sublime for the service they render us. Without them, how many thousands of years we would spend wrapped up in the mists of ignorance.”

Thus speaking, Lysias laid a gentle hand on my head and took his leave.

From the book The Astral City "Nosso Lar" - Chapter V -Under Treatment

четвъртък, 30 януари 2025 г.

The Birth of Espiritismo

In the mid-1800s, Spain issued a law that gave people a greater degree of personal religious freedom than ever before. Across Europe, the Catholic Church was losing some of its hold over people as well. As a result, freemasonry societies, esoteric schools, and Spiritualism gained popularity all over the continent. It was at this time that a new philosophy and esoteric spiritualistic practice known as Spiritism (Espiritismo in Spanish) emerged.

Spiritism shared many of the aspects of Spiritualism. It provided a method of communicating with the spirit world. Both practices used séances to communicate with spirits from the “other side.” The difference
between them was the purpose of those communications. Spiritists also believed in one God, the reincarnation of spirits, various planes of existence, and the ability of spirits to interact with people. They focused on the power of this communication and interaction to help humanity develop consciously and socially.

Spiritism teaches that certain individuals have or can develop the powers to communicate with the spirit world. These individuals are known
as mediums, or espiritistas, and they communicate with the spirits through séances—meetings at which people attempt to contact the dead or the spirits in order to get answers from the “other side.” These séances came to be
known as sessiones in Spanish.

Among its practitioners, Spiritism was considered the “scientific” method of spirit communication. Thus, it was not regarded as a religion at all, but rather as a new wave of science. In fact, in the early years of Espiritismo, many Spiritist sessions were led by medical doctors, lawyers, journalists, and other intellectuals. It was, in effect, the forerunner of what is now called parapsychology—the study of mental phenomena that are inexplicable by orthodox scientific means. This includes hypnosis, telepathy, psychic gifts, and other methods.

Professor and researcher Allan Kardec is generally recognized as the founder of Spiritism. Although not a medium himself, Kardec compiled the findings of many other mediums. He taught that Spiritism was a philosophy that presented a new view of the world and codified it as a method of research into the evolution of man. Although Spiritism was not a religion, he claimed, it could give people a deeper understanding of spiritual things. Thus, at first it wasn't considered a major threat by the Catholic Church. Kardec's form of Spiritism was also known as Scientific Spiritism. In the mid-1800s, many wealthy families in Puerto Rico started sending
their children to universities back in Europe. The island simply couldn't provide access to the educational resources that were available there. In Europe, these children were exposed to the teachings of Kardec and brought them back to Puerto Rico.

Kardec's Spiritism proved to be a perfect fit for many of the upper- and middle-class Creole elites who had grown tired of the Catholic Church's political power. Although many were Catholic themselves, they sought freedom and socio-political progress that was not forthcoming from the Church. They wanted radical changes in the way society functioned and felt that Kardec's Scientific Spiritism could support that vision. The who followed Kardec's teachings created many public hospitals, schools, community centers, and spiritual centers based on his principles. They introduced free or community-based centers for health and education. They also sought to bring social services to the public at large.

Kardec's Scientific Spiritism didn't reach only the island of Puerto Rico. In fact, it reached many of the other islands in the region and much of South America as well. Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, and many other countries have their own forms of Espiritismo that blended Kardec's philosophy with local influences. And many of these local variants have come to influence Puerto Rican Espiritismo as well. 

In the mid-1870s, however, the freedom granted earlier in the century was withdrawn by the Church and the law restored its political power.
Catholic and Apostolic Religions were declared the new state religions in Puerto Rico. A new law was issued stating that ceremonies or public manifestations other than those of the state religion would not be permitted. People still managed to practice their religious beliefs in private, but the Church worked hard at shutting down Espiritismo on the island.

In 1898, the Spanish lost a war with America and ceded ownership of Puerto Rico to the United States in the Treaty of Paris. This ushered in a new era on the island that nullified the Church's political power. Thanks to
this, Puerto Rican Espiritismo experienced a major growth spurt. By the 1920s, Kardec's books on Scientific Spiritism had outsold the Bible on the island. It was estimated at that time that 90 percent of all Puerto Ricans practiced Spiritism.

(Original source Espiritismo, Puerto Rican Mediumship & Magic)

Chapter 4 - The Spirit Doctor

Chapter IV - The Spirit Doctor

I awoke the following day after a deep, refreshing sleep. A comforting light poured through my window, bathing everything in the room with radiance and felling my heart with hope. I felt like a new man, filled with renewed energy and the joy of living. Only one thing clouded my soul I longed for my home and for my family so far away.

Numerous questions troubled my mind, but my feeling of relief was so great that it calmed my spirit and kept me from further contemplation. I wanted to get up and enjoy the beauty of my surroundings but I could not. I realized that without the magnetic cooperation of my attendant I would not be able to leave my bed.

I had scarcely gotten over the many experiences when the door opened and Clarence entered, accompanied by a friendly stranger. They greeted me cordially, wishing me peace. My rescuer from the Lower Zones3 asked about
my general health, and my attendant quickly came to inform him.

Clarence smiled and introduced his companion, brother Henry de Luna of the medical staff of the spiritual colony. Brother Henry was dressed in white and his face radiated benevolence. He examined me at length, then smiled and spoke:

“It is a pity that you’ve come here by way of suicide.”

Clarence remained calm but I felt a surge of revolt within me. Suicide? I remembered the accusations of those perverse beings in the Lower Zones. Even though I was grateful to my benefactors, I couldn’t accept this accusation.

сряда, 29 януари 2025 г.

Universal Space - The Spirit's Book

35. Is universal space infinite or limited?

"Infinite. Suppose the existence of boundaries, what would there be beyond them ? This
consideration confounds human reason; and nevertheless your reason itself tells you that it
cannot be otherwise. It is thus with the idea of infinity, under whatever aspect you consider it.
The idea of infinity cannot be comprehended in your narrow sphere."

If we imagine a limit to space, no matter how far off our thought may place this limit, our reason tells us that there must still be something beyond It and so on, step by step, until we arrive at the idea of infinity; for the "something beyond," the existence of which is recognised by our thought as necessity, were it only an absolute void, would still be space.

 36. Does an absolute void exist in any part of space?

"No there is no void. What appears like a void to you is occupied by matter in a state in which
it escapes the action of your senses and of your instruments."

Recipe for getting better, by Jose Grosso

By Jose Grosso
- Ten grams of good sense in the head.

- Serenity in the mind.

- Balance of reasoning.

- Elevation in the feelings.

- Purity in the eyes.

- Vigilance in the ears.

- Lubricant in the neck.

- Interrupter in the tongue.

- Love in the heart.

- Useful and unceasing service in the arms.

- Simplicity in the stomach.

- Good direction of the feet.

- Daily use in temperature of goodwill.

(From Collection of Mediumistic Messages - Francisco C. Xavier - Several Spirits)

вторник, 28 януари 2025 г.

Chapter 3 - Collective Prayer


As we advanced, I saw from my stretcher the pleasant surroundings which slowly unfolded to my view. Clarence, leaning on a staff made of some luminous substance, stopped before a heavy gate built into a great wall which was covered with a flowery wine. He touched a certain spot in the wall, the gate opened wide, and we entered in a silent procession.

A warm glow bathed everything there. The graceful play of lights in the distance reminded me of a beautiful sunset in springtime. As we
proceeded, I saw before me charming buildings and beautiful gardens. At a sign from Clarence my stretcher was laid down and in front of us there stood an entrance to a great white building similar to an earthly hospital. Two
young men in white tunics ran eagerly to my stretcher, moved me into an emergency bed, and carried me in. Before he left, I heard Clarence say: “Take him to the pavilion to the right. I am expected elsewhere now, but I will come to see him in the morning.” I gave that generous old man a parting smile of gratitude as I was taken away to a large, pleasant, richly furnished room and laid on a comfortable bed.

My heart was overflowing with gratitude towards my kind attendants. I tried to address them but only managed to ask: “Friends, I beg you, what is this new world I find myself in? From what star does this bright invigorating
light emanate?” One of them laid a tender hand on my forehead as if I were an old friend, and explained: “We are located in the spiritual spheres close to the Earth, and the Sun that is shining on us at this moment is the same one
that warmed you on Earth. However, our visual perception is far keener here. We can see that the star the Lord lighted to guide our activities is far more beautiful than we ever realized while on Earth. Our Sun is a divine source of
life which has its light’s source in the Creator of All Things.”

I felt a profound sense of veneration and awe as I gazed at the soft light streaming through my window. I realized that on Earth I had never
looked up at the Sun and raised my thoughts to the One, in His infinite mercy, had given it to us to shine on our journey. I was like a blind man who, after living so long in darkness, is blessed with the ability to see the splendor of nature.

Just then they brought me some stimulating broth and a glass of cool water, refreshing water. The water seemed infused with some divine fluid, for just a little of it quickly produced a reviving effect. The food, whether a
soothing nourishment or extraordinary medicine, revived me beyond my expectations; new energies pervade my entire being and profound emotions stirred in the depths of my spirit. I ate, unaware of the experience which was soon to follow.

I had scarcely finished when heavenly music soft waves of sound rising to higher spheres floated into my room. That wonderful melody went straight to my heart. I looked to my attendant for some explanation, and he
said: “This is the eventide service of the Astral City. Every department of this colony of service, dedicated to Christ, is attuned with the prayers at the Government House. Now stay here in peace. I will return as soon as the service is over.” As he prepared to leave, I was suddenly filled with anxiety. “May I go with you?” I pleaded. “You are still weak,” he explained, “but if you feel that you can.

That music had filled me with renewed energies, yet I was barely able to rise from my bed. Aided by my attendant and with faltering steps I reached the enormous hall where a great assembly was praying in deep, silent concentration. The delicate garlands of flowers which hung from a brilliantly lit dome seemed to form a symbol of higher spirituality. I could
 hardly contain my feelings of overwhelming surprise. No one seemed to notice my presence they all looked as if they were waiting for something. I had to work to hold back all of the questions forming in my mind. I quickly noticed in the background an intensely bright light reflected on a giant screen. By some process of advanced television, a marvelous temple appeared on the screen a moment later. In it was the image of a venerable old man, dressed in white, sitting in prayer. Around his head shone a halo of brilliant light. Slightly below him, seventy-two figures accompanied him in silent prayer. I was surprised to see that Clarence was among the.

понеделник, 27 януари 2025 г.

Properties of Matter - The Spirit's Book

29. Is density an essential attribute of matter?

"Yes, of matter as understood by you, but not of matter considered as the universal fluid. The
ethereal and subtle matter which forms this fluid is imponderable for you, and yet it is none
the less the principle of your ponderable matter."

Density is a relative property. Beyond the sphere of attraction of the various globes of the universe, there is no such thing as "weight," just as there Is neither "up" nor "down."

30. Is matter formed of one element or of several elements?

"Of one primitive element. The bodies which you regard as simple are not really elementary;
they are transformations of the primitive matter."

31. Whence come the different properties of matter?

"From the modifications undergone by the elementary molecules, as the result of their union and of the action of certain conditions."

32. According to this view of the subject, savours, odours, colours, sounds, the poisonous or salutary qualities of bodies, are only the result of modifications of one and the same primitive substance?

"Yes, undoubtedly; and that only exist in virtue of the disposition of the organs destined to
perceive them."

This principle Is proved by the fact that the qualities of bodies are not perceived by all persons In the same manner. The same thing appears agreeable to the taste of one person, and disagreeable to that of another. what appears blue to one person appears red to another. That which is a poison for some, is wholesome for others.

33. Is the same elementary matter susceptible of undergoing all possible modifications and of
acquiring all possible qualities.'

"Yes; and it is, this fact which is implied in the saying that everything is in everything."

Oxygen, hydrogen, azote, carbon, and all the other bodies which we regard as simple, are only modifications of one primitive substance. But the impossibility, in which we have hitherto found ourselves, of arriving at this primitive matter otherwise than as an intellectual deduction, causes these bodies to appear to us to be really elementary and we may, therefore, without Impropriety, continue for the present to regard them as such.

- Does not this theory appear to bear out the opinion of those who admit only two essential
properties in matter, viz., force and movement, and who regard all the other Properties of
matter as being merely secondary effects of these, varying according to the intensity of the
force and the direction of the movement?

"That opinion is correct. But you must also add, according to the mode of molecular
arrangement; as you see exemplified, for instance, in an opaque body, that may become
transparent, and vice versa."

34. Have the molecules of matter a determinate form?'

"Those molecules undoubtedly have a form, but one which is not appreciable by your

- Is that form constant or variable?

"Constant for the primitive elementary molecules, but variable for the secondary molecules, which are themselves only agglomerations of the primary ones; for what you term a molecule is still very far from being the elementary molecule.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter II - Properties of Matter - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

In Light of The Lesson

Consider well what I am telling you, for the Lord will give you understanding in
everything. – PAUL (2 Tim. 2:7)

In light of an exposition of the truth, remember to ponder the lesson you
have received.

Those who glance up at the sky without contemplating it will never really see the stars; those who listen to a symphony without opening up the acoustics of their soul will never perceive its divine notes.

Listening to the inspired words of ardent preachers will do you no good whatsoever if you do not open up your heart so that your sentiments may be immersed in their blessed light.

Countless followers of the Gospel complain about their inability to retain its teachings, claiming to be unfit in light of its new revelations. This is because they do not spend enough time meditating on its lessons, whereas they spend too much time on distractions and frivolity.

When a room is too dark, it is up to us to open the windows to let the sun shine in.

If we will dedicate a little effort to the blessing of the lesson, the lesson will answer us with its blessings.

The Apostle to the Gentiles is very clear when he says: “Consider what I am telling you, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.”

To consider means to examine, hear, reflect, and evaluate. Therefore, we can be sure that, in paying attention to the principles of the Code of Eternal Life, the Lord will reward our goodwill by giving us understanding in everything.

From The book "Living Spring" psychographed by medium Francisco Candido Xavier

The Purpose of Mediumship

According to spirituality, mediumship is a program for the rescue of failed spirits, who before incarnation receive the mission of self-rescue and regeneration of past faults.

It is immediately apparent that it is serious for a medium not to treat their gift with due care, using it as a form of entertainment or out of curiosity.

Every medium is programmed to provide services, under the direction of a body of superior spirits, to assist disturbed spirits, readjust the unbalanced, comfort the afflicted and distressed, and spread redemptive knowledge.

The exercise of Mediumship requires detachment and a sense of social responsibility.

Every medium must be aware that they are a missionary to do good for others and not for themselves. Their gifts do not come from their development but to redeem their debts (energetic deformations of the causal body).

A medium must strive to perfect their inner knowledge, knowing and recognizing their true state. They should view the burden they carry, their mission, as a gift, as it will help alleviate karma (cause and effect), even if it means sacrificing their temporary personal life here on the physical plane.

The Mediumship rarely develops spontaneously and without setbacks. In the vast majority of cases, it begins with nervous and mental disturbances, which are characteristic of the lower state of the incarnate and serve as a warning.

A medium attracts spirits through their energetic attunement, and these spirits are usually disturbed and suffering. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and disentangle oneself from them through evangelization, and this can only be done through a Spiritualist Center.

Some start to see: figures, shadows, faces, hear voices, noises, feel touched, in a process of going mad. These are symptoms of disturbed mediumship, which should be disciplined, educated, with clarification and active work.

Original in portuguese (Evolução para o Terceiro Milênio) by Carlos Toledo Rizzini

Translation and review by Marcio Varela

неделя, 26 януари 2025 г.

The Meaning of Life



Why do we live and for what reason? The reply to this question is of great importance in order for us to understand the problem of obsession. According to Spiritism, we live to develop the psychic potentialities with which we are all
endowed. Our earthly existence has as its aim the transcendence, that is to say, the constant overcoming of our human condition. From birth until our last day on Earth, we go through experiences that develop our innate aptitudes, in all senses. The newborn child grows day by day, develops his organism, and learns to
communicate with others, to speak and to reason, to want and to act in order to obtain what he wants. He exceeds the condition in which he was born and passes on to the superior phases of childhood, later entering into adolescence and youth, maturity and old age. When going through all of this, he develops his organic and psychic forces, his affectivity, his capacity to understand what evolves around him and his power to control the circumstances. This is to transcend, to raise himself above the condition in which he was born. It is for this reason that we live, and this demonstrates to us that the meaning of life is transcendence.

Today, the Existential Philosophy supports this exact principle in the philosophical field. The existentialists consider man as a projecto, that is to say, a being projected into the existence, as an arrow in the direction of a target: that is
the transcendence. However, in Spiritism the existences are many and successive; therefore through each earthly existence we attain a new degree of transcendence. The current parapsychological research on reincarnation confirms this principle. The fact of living through many lives on Earth, and not only one, demonstrates that we have in our subconscious, a storage of remembrances and knowledge,
aspirations, frustrations and traumas much greater than the one discovered by Freud.

It is good to bear in mind this important fact: when Kardec discovered the manifestations of the subconscious, through his research on the psychic phenomena, Freud was only one year of age. This does not undermine Freud, who did not know about Kardec’s research, but attests the security of the Spiritist research of the human psyche. The spiritist conception of human life on Earth is not imaginary; it is real, based on scientific research. Those who consider Spiritism as a superstitious doctrine, created by ignorance, demonstrate being more ignorant than they imagine. The Spiritist Doctrine has been proven scientifically by the
most renowned scientists. We say this to show the readers that the meaning of life that we refer to is not a hypothesis, but rather a reality. If we do not understand that life is transcendence, a growth, an elevation and a constant and proven development of the spiritual being whom we are, we will not be able to face with naturalness the problem of obsession and to strive to resolve it.

From The book "Obsession" by Jose Herculano Pires -  Translated by Jussara Korngold & Marie Levinson

Christian Worship in the Home

The firmament was full of stars on a night of silvery moonlight, when the Lord, staying at Peter’s house for the time being, picked up
the Sacred Writings, and as if he wanted to set the conversation on a new course after it had become rather unproductive and unedifying, he
asked kindly:

“Simon, what does the fisherman do before he goes to the market with the day’s catch?”

The disciple thought for a few moments and answered somewhat hesitatingly:

“Well, of course, Master, he chooses the best fish. No one would buy the others.”

Jesus smiled and asked another question:

“And the potter? What does he do when he wants to make a piece?”

“Obviously, Lord,” replied the fisherman, intrigued, “he molds the clay and gives it the form he wants.”

With a kind-hearted and piercing look, the Heavenly Friend pressed the matter:

“And what does the carpenter do to accomplish the project he proposes?”

Simon answered very simply without hesitating:

“He planes the wood and then uses the adz, the saw, the hammer and the chisel; otherwise, he could not shape the unformed piece.”

Jesus didn’t say anything for a few moments, and then explained:

“This may also be said of the home. The home is the first school and temple of the soul. The home is the true exporter of individuals for
community life. If the merchant selects his merchandise, if the shipbuilder cannot build a boat without shaping the wood according to plan, how can one hope for a safe and peaceful community unless the home becomes a better place? World peace begins under the roof that
shelters us. If we can’t learn to live in peace within four walls, how can nations expect to coexist in harmony? If we can’t love the brother or sister right next to us, and who is involved with us in our daily struggle, how can we revere the Eternal Father who seems so far away?”

Jesus glanced around the humble room, paused briefly and continued:

“Peter, we need to shine a new light for all who might seek our fraternal assistance. In your house, the table is the place for your bread. On it you receive from the Lord the food you need each day. Around it, why not plant the seeds of happiness and peace in conversation and thought? The Father, who, by way of the soil,
provides wheat for our storehouse, sends us light by way of Heaven. Just as sunlight is the diffusion of the rays that comprise it, abundance begins with the grain of seed. That is why the Gospel did not begin amongst the crowds, but rather in the simple abode of shepherds and animals.”

Simon Peter gazed at the Master with humble, lucid eyes, and since he could not find the right words to explain himself, he murmured meekly:

“Master, may it be as you desire.”

Then, inviting the disciple’s family to join him for an edifying talk and uplifting meditation, Jesus unrolled the writings of wisdom and
started the world’s first Christian home worship service.

From The book "Jesus In The Home" psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier - By The spirit Neio Lucio

Action of Prayer - Transmission of Thoughts

The Prayer is an invocation. Through it, we put our thoughts in contact with the entity we are addressing. It can be a request, a thanks, or a glorification. It can be said for oneself or the dead.

Prayers addressed to God are heard by the Spirits in charge of executing His will; those directed to good Spirits are taken to God. When you pray to beings other than God, it is directed to intermediaries or intercessors, as nobody can obtain anything without God's will.
Spiritism makes us understand the action of prayer by explaining the process of thought transmission: either the being for whom we pray comes to our call or our thought reaches them (see "The Gospel According to Spiritism").

For us to make it clear, it is significant to consider that all beings, incarnate and discarnate, are immersed in the same universal fluid that occupies space, just as we are in the atmosphere on this planet. This fluid receives an impulse from the will. It is the vehicle of sound, except that the vibrations of the air are circumscribed, whereas those of the universal fluid extend to infinity.

Thus, as soon as a thought is led towards any being on Earth or in space, from incarnate to disincarnate or vice versa, a fluidic current is established from one to the other, transmitting thoughts like air transmits sound. The energy of the current is in proportion to the thought and energy's will. It is by this means that prayer is heard by spirits wherever they may be; they communicate with each other; they transmit their inspirations to us, and their
relationships are established at a distance between incarnates, etc.

This explanation is mainly given to those who don't understand the usefulness of purely mystical prayer.

Its purpose is not to materialize prayer, but to
proportionate to it an intelligible effect.

It demonstrates that it can have an effective direct action, without thereby ceasing to be subordinate to the will of God, the Supreme Judge of all things, on whom alone the effectiveness of the action depends.

Allan Kardec.

събота, 25 януари 2025 г.

Twenty Exercises, by Scheilla Spirit

The Scheilla Spirit

In order to develop spiritually, de should:

1- Execute our own obligations happily.

2- Silence before the offense.

3-Forget the rendered favor.

4-Discharge the friends of any kindness towards us.

5- Silence our aggressiveness.

6-Not condemn the opinions that diverge from ours.

7- Abolish any malicious or unnecessary question.

8-Repeat information and instructions without any soreness.

9-Train the constant patience.

10-Hear fraternally the sorrows of the companions without biographing our pains.

11-Seek, without affectation, the form of being useful.

12-Excuse without excusing ourselves.

13-Not speak ill of anybody.

14-Look for the best part of the people that commune with us the experience on Earth.

15-Cheer with the joy of the other ones.

16-Not upset he who works.

17-Help spontaneously.

18-Respect the others ’work.

19-Reduce the personal problems.

20-Willingly serve when the illness hurts us.

* * *
The apprentice of the material experience that wishes and endeavors to practice, at least, some of the twenty exercises here proposed, will certainly receive from the Divine Master, in the
school of life, the more distinguished notes in the course of the Charity.

Original release in Portuguese:
Vinte Exercícios de Scheilla (Mensagem do livro Ideal Espírita)

Translation: Marcia Andrade
Review and Formatting: Alexandre R. Distefano

Spirit and Matter - The Spirit's Book

21. Has matter existed from all eternity, like God, or has it been created at some definite
period of time?

"God only knows. There is, nevertheless, one point which your reason should suffice to show
you, viz., that God, the prototype of love and beneficence, can never have been inactive.
However far off in the past you may imagine the beginning of His action, can you suppose
Him to have been for a single moment inactive?"

22. Matter is generally defined as being "that which has extension," "that which can make an
impression upon our senses," "that which possesses impenetrability." Are these definitions

"From your point of view they are correct, because you can only define in accordance with
what you know. But matter exists in states which are unknown to you. it may be, for instance, so ethereal and subtle as to make no impression upon your senses; and yet it is still matter, although it would not be such for you."

- What definition can you give of matter?

"Matter is the element which enchains spirit, the instrument which serves it, and upon which, at the same time, it exerts its action."

From this point of view it may be said that matter is the agent, the intermediary, through which, and upon which, spirit acts.

23. What is spirit?

"The intelligent principle of the universe."

- What is the essential nature of spirit?

"It is not possible to explain the nature of spirit in your language. For you it is not a thing,
because it is not palpable; but for us it is a thing."

24. Is spirit synonymous with intelligence?

"Intelligence is an essential attribute of spirit, but both merge in a unitary principle, so that,
for you, they may be said to be the same thing."
25. Is spirit independent of matter, or is it only one of the pro properties of matter, as colours
are a property of light, and as sound is a property of the air? 

"Spirit and matter are distinct from one another; but the union of spirit and matter is
necessary to give intelligent activity to matter."

- Is this union equally necessary to the manifestation of spirit? (We refer, in this question, to the principle of intelligence, abstractly considered, without reference to the individualities designated by that term.)

"It is necessary for you, because you are not organised for perceiving spirit apart from matter. Your senses are not formed for that order of perception."

26. Can spirit be conceived of without matter, and matter without spirit?

"Undoubtedly, as objects of thought."

27. There are, then, two general elements of the universe matter and spirit?"

"Yes; and above them both is God, the Creator, Parent of all things. These three elements are
the principle of all that exists-the universal trinity. But to the material element must be added the universal fluid which plays the part of intermediary between spirit and matter, the nature of the latter being too gross for spirit to be able to act directly upon it. Although, from another point of view, this fluid may be classed as forming part of the material element, it is,
nevertheless, distinguished from that element by certain special properties of its own. If it
could be classed simply and absolutely as matter, there would be no reason why spirit also should not be classed as matter. It is intermediary between spirit and matter. It is fluid, just as matter is matter, and is susceptible of being made, through its innumerable combinations with matter, under the directing action of spirit, to produce the infinite variety of things of which you know as yet but a very small portion. This universal, primitive, or elementary fluid, being the agent employed by spirit in acting upon matter is the principle without which matter would remain for ever in a state of division, and would never acquire the properties given to it by the state of ponderability."

-Is this fluid what we designate by the name of electricity?

"We have said that it is susceptible of innumerable combinations. What you call the electric fluid, the magnetic fluid, etc., are modifications of the universal fluid, which, properly speaking, is only matter of a more perfect and more subtle kind, and that may be considered as having an independent existence of its own."

28. Since spirit itself is something, would it not be more correct and clearer to designate
these two general elements by the terms inert matter and intelligent matter ?

"Questions of words are of little importance for us. It is for you to formulate your definitions
in such a manner as to make yourselves intelligible to one another. Your disputes almost
always arise from the want of a common agreement in the use of the words you employ,
owing to the incompleteness of your language in regard to all that does not strike your

One fact, patent to all observers, dominates all our hypotheses. We see matter which is not intelligent: we see the action of an intelligent principle independent of matter. The origin and connection of these two things are unknown to us. Whether they have, or have not. a common source. and points of contact pre-ordained in the nature of things. whether intelligence has an independent existence of its own. or is only a property or an effect, or even whether it is (as some assume it to be) an emanation of the Divinity, are points about which we know nothing. Matter and intelligence appear to us to be distinct; and we therefore speak of them as being two constituent elements of the universe. We see, above these, a higher intelligence which governs all things, and is distinguished from them all by essential attributes peculiar to itself; It is this Supreme Intelligence that we call God.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter II - Spirit and Matter - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

Clarence - The Astral City

Suicidal criminal! Infamous wretch! I heard insults from all directions. But where were they coming from? At times I caught glimpses of them as they slipped in and out of the darkness. Through my despair, mustering all my strength, I threw myself against them. In vain I beat the air in my show of rage. I heard laughter as they vanished again into the shadows.

Whom could I turn to for help? I was tortured by hunger and parched with thirst. The demands of my physical existence on Earth continued here: my beard kept growing, my garments were beginning to show the signs of my struggles. Yet the most painful part of my trial was not the pitiful abandon in which I found myself, but the incessant attacks of the evil forces which surrounded me in the darkness. I was unnerved and utterly unable to coordinate my situation, to weigh its causes and establish new currents of thought. But those accusing voices bewildered me beyond my imagination.

“What are you seeking, you miserable fool? Where are you going, suicidal wretch?” Such accusations, ceaselessly repeated, threw my mind into absolute confusion. I might well be miserable, but suicidal? Never! Those charges were wrong, as far as I could see. I had left my body most unwillingly, after a desperate struggle with death. I could still hear the last
medical diagnosis at the hospital. I remembered clearly the efficient care and the painful dressings during those weary days that followed my intestinal operation. The recollection of the closing scenes of my earthly days was so vivid that I could even feel the touch of the thermometer and the disagreeable
prick of the hypodermic needle. Finally, my last recollection before my great sleep: my wife, still young, and my three children gazing at me in anguish at the prospect of eternal separation. Then, afterwards, my awakening to dreary
and damp surroundings, to a never-ending nightmare flight.

Why was I being accused of suicide when I had been forced to give up my hope, my family and all that I held dear?

Even the strongest man must come to the end of his emotional powers of resistance. So it was with me. Firm and resolute at the start, I gradually began to fall into long lapses of depression, and in my total ignorance of the fate in store for me, my usual fortitude yielded to despondency. More and more frequently tears welled in my eyes, long pent-up in heavy heart.

To whom could I appeal? With all of the sophisticated intellectual culture I had brought from the world, I could do nothing to alter my present situation. Before the Infinite, my knowledge was like a tiny soap bubble, blown about by the impetuous winds of the transformation. Surely I was not out of my senses! I did not feel different. I felt that my conscience was alert qnd that I was essentially the same man with the same feelings and culture as before. My physiological needs continued unchanged. A gnawing hunger
preyed on my every fiber; yet in my ever-increasing weakness I never reached the point of complete exhaustion. Now and then I came across some wild herbs growing along mere trickles of water.

I devoured the unfamiliar leaves and drank the water avidly. I could stop only a few seconds at a time, for those irresistible forces were ever
spurring me on. Oftentimes I tasted the mud by the roadside, recalling with burning tears the daily bread of olden days. Frequently I was obliged to hide from enormous herds of monstrous beings which trampled past me like a band of insatiable beasts. Those were blood-curdling sights! When my despair had almost reached its climax, it began to dawn on me that somewhere a Creator of Life must exist. The thought seemed to comfort me. I, who in the world had hated all religious creeds, was now feeling the need for spiritual consolation. As a physician who prided himself on his ultra-modern principles of skepticism, so much in vogue in my time, I had to admit I was a perfect failure. Gone was all the self-importance which had seemed so real to my eyes. I saw now that I had to change my mental attitude.

When at last I came to the end of my strength and lay helpless in the mire, unable to rise, I implored that Creator of All Things to take pity on me and come to my aid in my desperable plight.

How long did my pleading last? How may hours did I spend praying like a frightened child? It was impossible to say. I only knew that copious tears ran down my cheeks and my whole being seemed to merge into one anguished plea. Had I been utterly abandoned? Was I not also a child of God, although in the whirl of earthly vanities I had never given a thought to His divine works? I knew the Eternal Father would surely forgive me. Did He not extend His loving care to the birds of the air and flowers of the field?

Ah, one must suffer a great deal in order to understand the mysterious beauty of prayer. One must know remorse, humiliation and utter misery to fully appreciate the sublime sweetness of Hope! It was at that moment that
the dense mist all around cleared away, and a person came forward. An envoy from Heaven! He was a fatherly old man, who bent over me and gazed intently into my face with his large, clear eyes. With a benevolent smile he said to me:

“Courage, my son! The Lord has not forsaken you.” Heart-felt tears seemed to flood my very soul. I tried to express my grateful relief, to thank him for the consolation he had brought, yet I only had the strength to ask:

“Who are you, generous messenger of God ?”

My unexpected benefactor smiled kindly and replied: 

“My name is Clarence. I am only a brother.”
And, noticing my exhaustion, he added: “You must keep quiet and calm. It is necessary for you to rest to restore your strength.” 

Then we called two persons who were waiting attentively, and ordered: “Let us provide our friend with first aid.”

They spread a white sheet on the ground and, using it as an emergency stretcher, prepared to transport me. They lifted me gently. Then Clarence spoke to his assistants: “Let us start without delay. I must reach the Astral
City as soon as possible.”

From the book The Astral City "Nosso Lar" - Chapter II - Clarence

петък, 24 януари 2025 г.

Knowledge of the First Principles of Things

17. Is it given to mankind to know the first principle of things?

"No. There are things that cannot be understood by man in this world."

18. Will man ever be able to penetrate the mystery of things now hidden from him?

"The veil will be raised for him in proportion as he accomplishes his purification; but, in
order to understand certain things, he would need faculties which he does not yet possess."
19. Cannot man, through scientific investigation, penetrate some of the secrets of nature.?

"The faculty of scientific research has been given to him as a means by which he may
advance in every direction; but he cannot overstep the limits of his present possibilities."

The farther man advances in the study of the mysteries around him, the greater should be his admiration of the power and wisdom of the Creator. But, partly through pride, partly through weakness, his intellect itself often renders him the sport of illusion. He heaps systems upon systems; and every day shows him how many errors he has mistaken for truths, how many truths he has repelled as errors. Ail this should be a lesson for his pride.

20. Is man permitted to receive communications of a higher order in regard to matters which,
not being within the scope of his senses, are beyond the pale of scientific investigation?

"Yes. When God judges such revelations to be useful, He reveals to man what science is
incompetent to teach him."

It is through communications of this higher order that man is enabled, within certain limits, to obtain a knowledge of his past and of his future destiny.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter II - Knowledge of the First Principles of Things - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

O God Beautiful

By Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

O God Beautiful
O God Beautiful; O God Beautiful; At Thy feet, oh, I do bow.

In the forest Thou art green;
In the mountain Thou art high;
In the river Thou art restless;
In the ocean Thou art grave.

O God Beautiful; O God Beautiful! At Thy feet, oh, I do bow!

To the serviceful Thou art service;
To the lover Thou art love;
To the sorrowful Thou art sympathy;
To the yogi Thou art bliss.

From the book "The Cosmic Chant" was originally written by Guru Nanak prophet

Mediumship History

The Moses prophet

Some facts that demonstrate the presence of the Invisible Plan in History:

1 Moses, through a phenomenon of combustibility, receives the Tablet of the Ten Commandments from on High - a manifestation of a superior will aiming at the moral awakening of the peoples;

2 Socrates, constantly guided by the spiritual Guide, reveals himself as a precursor of Christianity. "Since my childhood, thanks to the celestial favor, I have been followed by an almost divine Being, whose voice urges me to this or that action."

3 Paul of Tarsus, at the gates of Damascus, has a vision of the Nazarene in perfect luminous configuration, thereby converting to an apostle and mediator of the Master;

4 The Oracles were hubs of mediumistic exchange, where sibyls, pythons, and pythonesses worked. People from all social classes, including public authorities, visited these places, receiving the most diverse guidance.

5 Caesar, the great Roman emperor, consulted the soothsayer Spurina, who informed him that something very serious would happen in his life. On the predicted date, March 15th, he went to the Senate and there received 23 stab wounds;

6 Joan of Arc, the French heroine, guided by the "voices from Heaven," takes on the mission to free her homeland from English rule. Persecuted as a heretic, she subjects herself to the inquisitorial sacrifice, but in the extreme moment, still claims to hear the spirits;

7 Queen Victoria, the sovereign who remained in power the longest in English history, spent 30 years holding conversations with her late husband Albert through the medium John Brown. The major decisions of her government had the direct participation of his spirit.

8 Catherine of Russia is hastily called to see her ghostly double, a materialized entity that lingered on the Queen's throne, surrounded by the Palace guard. Shot by two rifle bullets, it vanished without leaving any sign of its presence.

9 Abraham Lincoln, the American president, held spiritualist sessions at the White House. He himself had mediumistic abilities, to the point of foreseeing his own death, which occurred on April 15, 1865.

10 Harriet Beecher Stowe psychographed the famous book "Uncle Tom's Cabin." "This book was not written by me. I did nothing but take note of what they told me";

11 In 1883, Dom Bosco, in Turin, dreamt of the cradle of the New Civilization of the Third Millennium, which should arise between the 15th and 20th parallels of the hemisphere. Sixty years later, at the predicted location and time, JK built Brasília.

Countless other facts could still be mentioned. These are realities brought to public knowledge by the mainstream press, that is, through normal communication channels.

Translation and reviewed by Márcio Varela

Original Source: Spiritist Review 1860 - Allan Kardec- Year III, No. 9

четвъртък, 23 януари 2025 г.

Pantheism - The Spirit's Book

14. Is God a being distinct from the universe, or is He, according to the opinion of some, the
result of all the forces and intelligences of the universe?

"If the latter were the case, God would not be God, for He would be effect and not cause; He
cannot be both cause and effect."

“God exists. You cannot doubt His existence, and that is one essential point. Do not seek to
go beyond it; do not lose yourselves in a labyrinth which, for you, is without an issue Such inquiries would not make you better; they would rather tend to add to your pride, by causing you to imagine that you knew something, while, in reality, you would know nothing. Put aside systems. You have things enough to think about that concern you much more nearly, beginning with yourselves. Study your own imperfections, that you may get rid of them; this will be far more useful to you than the vain attempt to penetrate the impenetrable."

15. What is to be thought of the opinion according to which all natural bodies, all the beings, all the globes of the universe are parts of the Divinity, and constitute in their totality the Divinity itself; in other words the Pantheistic theory?

"Man, not being able to make himself God, would fain make himself out to be, at least, a part of God."

16. Those who hold this theory profess to find in it the demonstration of some of the attributes
of God. The worlds of the universe being infinitely numerous, God is thus seen to be infinite; vacuum, or nothingness, being nowhere, God is everywhere: God being everywhere, since everything is an integral part of God, He is thus seen to be the intelligent cause of all the phenomena of the universe. What can we oppose to this argument?

"The dictates of reason. Reflect on the assumption in question, and you will have no difficulty in detecting its absurdity."

The Pantheistic theory makes of God a material being, who, though endowed with a supreme intelligence, would only be on a larger scale what we are on a smaller one. But, as matter is incessantly undergoing transformation, God, if this theory were true, would have no stability. He would be subject to all the vicissitudes, and even to all the needs, of humanity He would lack one of the essential attributes of the Divinity -viz., unchangeableness. The properties of matter cannot be attributed to God without degrading our idea of the Divinity and all the subtleties of sophistry fail to solve the problem of His essential nature. We do not know what God is but we know that it is impossible that He should not be and the theory just stated is in contradiction with His most essential attributes. It confounds the Creator with the creation, precisely as though we should consider an ingenious 'machine to be an integral portion of the mechanican who invented it.

The intelligence of God is revealed in His works, as is that of a painter in his picture but the works of God are no more God Himself than the picture is the artist who conceived and painted it.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - Pantheism - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

In The Lower Zones - The Astral City

I was under the impression that I had lost all notion of time and space. I was convinced that I no longer belonged to the world of the living, yet I continued to inhale deep breaths of air.

Since when had I become the puppet of irresistible forces? I could not say. I felt like a prisoner, trapped in the dark cage of horror. With my hair on end, my heart thumping uncontrollably, a prey to terrible fear, many times I shouted like a raving lunatic. I begged for mercy and clamored against the bitter despondency which had take hold of my spirit. But my cries fell only on silence; or were answered by lamenting voices still more moving than my own. At other times, sinister roars of laughter rent the stillness, as if some
unknown companion must be close-by me, a prisoner of insanity. Diabolical forms, ghastly faces, bestial countenances crossed my way from time to time, increasing my panic. The scenery, when it was not pitch dark, was bathed in a lurid light, as if shrouded in a thick fog warmed by the sun’s rays.

Thus I proceeded on that strange journey. To what end? Who could say? I only knew that I kept fleeing. Fright drove me on blindly… Where were my home, my wife and children? I had lost all sense of direction. The fear of the unknown and my dread of darkness had annulled all my powers of reasoning from the very moment I had broken free of my physical body in the grave.

My conscience tormented me. I would have preferred the total absence of reason, or non-existence. Copious tears ran constantly down my cheeks, and only rarely was I blessed with a few minutes of sleep. What rest I had was often interrupted as monstrous beings awoke me and mocked me, and I was obliged to go on fleeing.

I saw now that I was on a different plane of life, which rose from the emanations of the Earth. But it was too late. Anguish weighed heavily on my mind, and when I started making plans for action, numerous incidents would
lead me on to bewildering avenues of thought. Never had the religious question loomed so large before my eyes. Principles, purely political, philosophical and scientific, now seemed to me of secondary importance to
human life. Although they were valuable acquisitions on Earth, I had to admit that mankind was not made of transitory generations, but of immortal Spirits on their ascension to a glorious destination. I was beginning to realize the existence of one thing that stands above all that is material or
intellectual: Faith a divine manifestation to man. Such an analysis, however, came too late. It is true that I was familiar with the Old Testament and had often read through the Gospels. But I was forced to recognize that I
had never searched the sacred writings with the light of my heart. I had embraced the interpretation of writers who were not inclined to sentiments and conscience, an who were, at times, even in open disagreement with the
fundamental truths. On other occasions, I had taken an ecclesiastical point of view, entering voluntarily into a circle of contradictions.

In truth, I did not believe that I was a criminal in my life, though my philosophy of living for the immediate present had absorbed me fully. My earthly life, now transformed by death, had been no different from the life of so many others.

Born of perhaps excessively generous parents, I had graduated from the University without much effort, and shared the dissipation and vices of the youth of my time. Later, when I married and started a family, I was blessed with children, gained a stable and lucrative position, and was spared all financial worries. Yet on self-examination I feel deeply that I had wasted time and I now hear the silent pangs of my conscience. I had lived on Earth, enjoyed its benefits, reaped the good things of life, and yet never contributed anything towards the repayment of my heavy debt. I had completely ignored my parent’s generosity and sacrifices, just as I had ignored those of my wife and children. I had selfishly kept my family only to myself. I had been given a happy home, and had closed my doors to those seeking help. I had delighted in the joys of my family circle, yet never shared that precious gift with my greater human family. I had neglected to undertake even the most elementary duties of fraternal solidarity.

Now that my life was over I was like a hothouse plant, unable to withstand the weather of eternal realities. I had not cultivated the divine seeds the Father of Life had sown in my soul. They were choked by the weeds of my insatiable desire for comfort and enjoyment. I had not trained my faculties for this new life. It was only right, then, that I should enter it like a cripple, thrown into the infinite river of eternity, unable to swim, or like a
wretched beggar at the end of his strength, wandering about in the middle of
a stormy desert.

Oh, dear friends on Earth! How many of you may still avoid the bitter road of sorrow by cultivating the inner fields of your heart. Light up your lamp before crossing the threshold of the shadows. Search for Truth, lest the truth find you unprepared. Sweat and toil now, lest you weep afterwards.

Reviewed by Márcio Varela

From the book The Astral City "Nosso Lar" - Chapter 1 - In The Lower Zones

сряда, 22 януари 2025 г.

Attributes of the Divinity - The Spirit's Book

10. Can man comprehend the essential nature of God?

"No; he lacks the sense required for comprehending it."

11. Will man ever become able to comprehend the mystery of the Divinity?

"When his mind shall no longer be obscured by matter, and when, by his perfection, he shall
have brought himself nearer to God, be will see and comprehend Him."

The inferiority of the human faculties renders it impossible for man to comprehend the essential nature of God. In the infancy of the race, man often confounds the Creator with the creature, and attributes to the former the imperfections of the latter. But, in proportion 55 his moral sense becomes developed, man's thought penetrates more deeply into the nature of things, and he is able to form to himself a juster and more rational idea of the Divine Being, although his idea of that Being must always be imperfect and incomplete.

12. If we cannot comprehend the essential nature of God, can we have an idea of some of His perfections?

"Yes, of some of them. Man comprehends them better in proportion as he raises himself
above matter; he obtains glimpses of them through the exercise of his intelligence."

13. When we say that God is eternal, infinite, unchangeable, immaterial, unique, all-
powerful, sovereignty just and good, have we not a complete idea of His attributes?

"Yes, judging from your point of view, because you think that you sum up everything in those
terms; but you must understand that there are things which transcend the intelligence of the
most intelligent man, and for which your language, limited to your ideas and sensations, has no expressions. Your reason tells you that God must possess those perfections in the supreme degree; for, if one of them were lacking, or were not possessed by Him in an infinite degree, he would riot be superior to all, and consequently would not be God. In order to be above all things, God must undergo no vicissitudes, He must have none of the imperfections of which the imagination can conceive."

God is eternal. If He had had a beginning, He must either have sprung from nothing, or have been created by some being anterior to Himself. It Is thus mat, step by step, we arrive at the idea of infinity and eternity.

God is unchangeable. If He were subject to change, the laws which rule the universe would have no stability.

God is immaterial, that is to say, that His nature differs from every-thing that we call matter, or otherwise. He would not be unchangeable, for He would be subject to the transformations of matter.

God is unique. If there were several Gods, there would be neither unity of plan nor unity of power in the ordaining of the universe.

God is all-powerful because He is unique. If He did not possess sovereign power, there would be something more powerful, or no less powerful, than Himself. He would not have created all things and hose which He had not created would be the work of another God.

God is sovereignty just and good. The providential wisdom of the divine laws Is revealed as clearly In the smallest things as In the greatest and this wisdom renders it impossible to doubt either His justice or His

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - Attributes of the Divinity - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

Animal's Mediumship

A dog and cat do not posses true mediumistic faculties

ANIMAL'S MEDIUMSHIP: The irrational beings do not possess true mediumistic faculties. However, they have embryonic psychic perceptions, conditioned to their evolutionary state, through which they can act as deliberately disturbing entities, with lower purposes, to create perplexity in those who accompany them in certain situations.

THE CONSOLER "O Consolador" - Emmanuel - 1940 year

Within Theosophy, C.W. Leadbeater, in his book "Clairvoyance," asserts that some primitive beings (savages), common in Central Africa and even in Western Europe, develop a type of etheric-level clairvoyance that is spontaneous, passive, and uncontrolled. He claims that paranormal abilities are in accordance with the spiritual development of each being.

But in the case of animals, paranormality is at the etheric level. A dog, a cat, or any other irrational animal does not have a developed physical or spiritual vehicle within its structures to perceive astral spheres. They can sense pressure, detect smells, and even perceive certain etheric shapes, but they do not see spirits unless those spirits materialize. 

Allan Kardec in "The Book of Mediums," question 236 - Chapter 21, corroborates this statement.

"It is certain that spirits can become visible and tangible to animals, and often the sudden terror they display, without their perception of the cause, is determined by the sight of one or many spirits, malevolent towards the individuals present or towards the owners of the animals. More frequently, you see horses refusing to move forward or backward, or rearing up in front of an imaginary obstacle. Be assured that this imaginary obstacle is almost always a spirit or a group of spirits preventing their movement. Remember Balaam's donkey, which, seeing an angel before it and fearing the flaming sword, obstinately refused to take a step forward. The angel wanted to make itself visible only to the animal before manifesting visibly to Balaam, but, I repeat, we do not mediate directly with animals or inanimate matter. We require a human medium because we need the union of similar fluids, which we do not find in animals or inanimate matter."

Reviewed an translated by Márcio Varela

Original author Beraldo Figueiredo.

вторник, 21 януари 2025 г.

Prayer to Doctor Bezerra de Menezes

We beseech You, Father of Infinite Kindness and Justice, the graces of Jesus Christ, through Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of companions. May they assist us, Lord, consoling the afflicted, curing those who deserve it, comforting those who have trials and expiations to go through, clarifying those who desire to know the Truth and helping all those who appeal to Your Infinite Love.

Jesus, Divine Bearer of Grace and of Truth, extend Your hands full of gifts in succor of those who recognize You as the Faithful and Prudent Steward; do this, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your Holy Spirits, so that Faith may be elevated, Hope increased, Kindness expanded, and Love may triumph over all things.

Bezerra de Menezes, Apostle of Good and of Peace, friend of the humble and the sick, move your friendly phalanxes in benefit of those who suffer physical or spiritual ailments. Holy Spirits, worthy workers of the Lord, spread graces and cures over suffering humanity so that the emanature may become friends of Peace and of Knowledge, of Harmony and of Forgiveness, sowing throughout the world the Divine Examples of Jesus Christ.

Thank god

Proofs of the Existence of God - The Spirit's Book

4. What proof have we of the existence of God?

"The axiom which you apply in all your scientific researches, 'There is no effect without a cause.' Search out the cause of whatever is not the work of man, and reason will furnish the answer to your question."

To assure ourselves of the existence of God. we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing.

5. What is to be inferred from the intuition of the existence of God which may be said to be
the common property of the human mind?

"That God exists; for whence could the human mind derive this intuition if it had no real basis? The inference to he drawn from the fact of this intuition is a corollary of the axiom.

'There Is no effect without a cause.'"

6. May not our seemingly intuitive sense of the existence of God be the result of education and of acquired ideas?

"If such were the case, how should this intuitive sense be possessed by your savages?"

If the intuition of the existence of a Supreme Being were only the result of education It would not be universal, and would only exist, like all other acquired knowledge, in the minds of those who had received the special education to which it would be due.

7. Is the first cause of the formation of things to be found in the essential properties of matter?

"If such were the case, what would be the cause of those properties? There must always be a first cause."

To attribute the first formation of things to the essential properties of matter, would be to take the effect for the cause, for those properties are themselves an effect, which must have a cause.

8. What is to be thought of the opinion that attributes the first formation of things to a fortuitous combination of matter, in other words, to chance?

"Another absurdity! Who that is possessed of common sense can regard chance as an intelligent agent? And, besides, what is chance? Nothing."

The harmony which regulates the mechanism of the universe can only result from combinations adopted in view of predetermined ends, and thus, by its very nature, reveals the existence of an Intelligent Power. To attribute the first formation
of things to chance is nonsense for chance cannot produce the results of intelligence. If chance could be intelligent, it would cease to be chance.

9. What proof have we that the first cause of all things is a Supreme Intelligence, superior to all other intelligences?

"You have a proverb which says, 'The workman is known by his work.' Look around you, and, from the quality of the work, infer that of the workman."

We judge of the power of an intelligence by its works as no human being could create that which is produced by nature, it is evident that the first cause must be an Intelligence superior to man.

Whatever may be the prodigies accomplished by human intelligence, that intelligence itself must have a cause and the greater the results achieved by it, the greater must be the cause of which it is the effect. It in this Supreme Intelligence that is the first cause of all things, whatever the name by which mankind mad designate it.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - Proofs of the Existence of God