SUMMARY: The Universe that we cannot normally per- ceive. Fluids and their primary source. Automatic fluid absorption. Exteriorization and fluid perception. Psychic atmosphere of the human being. Identification and analysis of fluids.
Fluids and their primary source - We live in a Universe made up of particles, rays and waves, which we cannot normally perceive. Matter itself consists of small portions called atoms, which are so small that they cannot be seen even with the best apparatus. However, we are aware that the compact matter - as we know it and that forms objects, such as tables, chairs, books, and so on is formed from the gathering of these invisible little particles.
They are not immobile, on the contrary; it is the intense speed that animates them that makes them apparently in many places, giving continuity to the matter. The blades of a fan, when off, give us an idea of what it is like,
since we can pass our fingers between them, through the empty spaces, but if the fan is turned on, we cannot do this.
We are submerged in a world of subtle, refined matter, invisible but real, and which has as its first source a substance which we call universal cosmic fluid, which gives rise to all known and unknown material forms as well as to all the forms of energy in the different degrees in which it manifests itself.
Fluids are nothing more than energetic forms of this fundamental substance which our perispirit automatically absorbs from the environment, transforms them according to the vibrational pattern of the Spirit in which it is
found and radiates them around itself, forming a real psychic mat, or mental breath.
This capital substance is subject to the impulsion of the mind of the Spirit, whether incarnate or disembodied, and thought and emotions give it a certain structure, more or
less dense, according to the greater or lesser purity or harmony with which they are issued. The higher the thoughts and emotions are, the more harmonic, pleasant, brighter and healthier will the fluids be. The lower they are the more unpleasant, darker and thicker they will be.
Externalization and fluid perception - We are constantly irradiating what we really are, and impregnating with this particular fluid the environment, and everything that surrounds us, thus influencing the people who accept
and assimilate this energy nuance. By controlling the strength of our thoughts, we can radiate a greater quantity of fluids, and of a higher quality, which we metabolize
with our mind. This is why it is so important to always maintain a state of mental elevation.
As seen, we are wrapped in a fluidic atmosphere that we automatically absorb and metabolize, giving particular characteristics to these fluids. This is how each one of us lives in our own psychic atmosphere, receiving in the exact proportion of what we have sown.
We must know, however, that we do not live isolated and therefore react to one another. One law governs this mechanism: the alike are attracted and the opposites repelled. We also know that in the mediumistic phenomenon, during the trance, there is a more or less marked exteriorization of the perispirit of the medium, and in these circumstances the perceptions that were prevented from working fully are awakened due to the greater vibration determined by the influence of the physical organism on the soul.
Thus, the medium’s perception becomes more accurate, and he feels in his body a sensation of greater vibration, and is then able, by the association of the fluid currents with which he comes into contact, to know their intention, to feel their "specific weight", which will be greater if the fluids are more unpleasant and heavy.
The fluids that surround a person mix with those of the spiritual environment formed by the fluids of all those that are present, as well as by the fluids of the present Spirits too. This is how the fluidic environment of the place is
formed and it can be perfectly perceived by the medium, because his senses are sharper.
Identification and analysis of fluids – By practicing, the medium will learn how to differentiate the various types of Spirits according to their specific fluids.
In general, we know that Good Spirits radiate light, pleasant, soft, calm, and harmonic fluids.
The medium has a sense of general well-being and spiritual euphoria, and can then enter the mental area of influence of the Spirit, perceive its ideas, intentions and feelings. The Evil Spirits radiate heavy, unpleasant, strong, violent, and inharmonious fluids.
The medium has a feeling of general illness, anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, heavy head, drooping eyelids, frequent yawning, and shivers.
The medium in development, after the stages of concentration and prayer, will stay passive, his body and mind relaxed, seeking to perceive the local psychic environment and the eventual approach of some entity, analyzing the effects of that influence, associating with it or rejecting it.
(Original source: 20 Lessons on
Mediumship - Astolfo Olegário de Oliveira Filho - Translation: Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira)