Chapter 7 - Lysias Explains
Lysias came daily for my treatment and Clarence continued to visit me regularly. I began to feel at ease as I endeavored to adapt myself to my new situation. I noticed, though, that I would quickly relapse any time I began to
dwell on my problems. The anguish, the fear of the unknown, and the discomfort of maladjustment would all return. Yet, in spite of everything, I felt a certain inner stability. I derived great pleasure from leaning out of my window and gazing at the vast horizon. I was impressed by the difference between my surroundings here and on Earth. Nearly everything seemed to be an improved copy of
Earth: the colors were more harmoniously blended, and the very substance of things to be more delicate. The ground was carpeted with greenery and I could see large trees, rich orchards and delightful gardens everywhere. A
range of hills with light-crowned summits stood beyond the plain on which the Astral City was situated, and graceful buildings appeared at regular intervals a short distance away. These buildings, of various styles, had one thing in common: a profusion of flowers at their entrances. I noticed some charming little bungalows among them, surrounded by colorful roses springing up from among the ivy that covered the walls in contrasting colors.
Birds with brilliant plumage flew about, alighting in groups from time to time on the tall, bright white steeples that reached for the sky. As I continued to watch curiously from my window, I was surprised to find some domestic
animals among the trees some distance away. During these periods of deep musing, my mind was filled with countless speculations. Considering that I found myself on an astral plane, I could not understand the similarity of
things here to those on Earth. Lysias, my obliging and constant companion, was always ready to explain:
“Death of the physical body does not take man instantly to miraculous spheres. Every evolutionary process progresses trough graduation. There are countless planes for discarnate Spirits, just as there are many wondrous regions for those still in flesh. All souls, feelings, forms and things are governed by the principles of natural evolution and hierarchy.”
Only the fact that I had stayed under treatment for so many weeks without a single visit from someone I had known on Earth worried me
somewhat. Surely I was not the only one in my circle of friends and relatives to be struggling with the enigma of death. My parents had departed before me, as had various friends. Why, then, had none of them come to see me
during my recovery, to bring a little cheer to my aching heart? I would have been satisfied with even a few moments of consolation. One day, when I could no longer silence my doubts, I asked my attendant: “Tell me, dear Lysias, is it
possible to meet those who left the Earth before us?”
“Why, do you imagine yourself forgotten?”
“Yes, in fact, I do. Why has no one come to see me? On Earth I always relied implicitly on my mother’s devotion. Yet to this day I have heard
nothing from her, or from my father, who died three years before me.”
“Well, you are mistaken about your mother. She has been helping you night and day since the crisis you passed through before you arrived here. She doubled he assistance when you fell ill for the last time. You aren’t aware
yet, are you, that your stay in the lower spheres lasted over eight years? In all that time she never lost hope, and often came to the Astral City to intercede on your behalf. She enlisted the services of Clarence, who began visiting you frequently until the moment when you, the conceited earthly doctor, remembered that you were also a child of God. Do you see now?”
I felt my eyes well with tears. I had not known that I had been away from the Earth for so long. I wanted to speak, to find out about those unperceived efforts, but my vocal cords seemed numb. My heart was too full to allow me to speak.
“On the day you prayed with all your heart,” continued Lysias, “when you realized that everything in the Universe belongs to our Almighty Father, even your tears were different. As you know, rain can at times be creative, at other times destructive. The Lord doesn’t wait for our prayers to love us. Yet,
just as a dirty mirror cannot reflect the light, it is indispensable for us to cleanse ourselves and build a receptive attitude in order to understand His unfinite goodness. Thus, it is not the Father who needs our penance, it is we
who need it for the inestimable service it renders us. Do you see? Clarence, in
answer to your devoted mother’s pleas, had no trouble finding you it was you who took so long to find Clarence. I was told that when your mother heard you had broken through the shadows into the light, she wept for joy.”
“And where is my mother now?” I cried at last.
“If possible, I should like to see and embrace her, to fall on my knees at her feet.”
“She doesn’t live in the Astral City,” he informed me, “she inhabits higher spheres where she works, not exclusively for you, but for the good of many.”
Noting my disappointment, he added:
“She is sure to come and see you. When one earnestly wishes for something, it is already half obtained. Here we have your own example. For years you wandered at random, a prey to fear, distress and disillusionment. Yet as soon as you felt the necessity for divine assistance you expanded the range of your mental vibrations and obtained vision and help.”
Encouraged by the explanation I had just received, I exclaimed resolutely:
“Then I wished it with all my heart, and she shall come.”
Lysias smiled knowingly, and as he took his leave he added this friendly advice:
“Right, but keep in mind that all deserving petitions should contain three basic prerequisites: an active will, persevering work, and merit. In other words, one must first wish, then work towards that wish, and finally be
deserving of what he requested.”
He departed smiling, while I fell into deep meditation, wondering how such a vast program could have been expressed in so few.
From the book The Astral City "Nosso Lar" - Chapter VII - Lysias Explains