The mediumistic treatment does not follow only a single rule. It varies according to the nature of the case involved and the specific psychological
condition of the patient. It must always be conducted under medical orientation, but by a doctor who possesses adequate knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine. Without this prior knowledge, many doctor-mediums had become involved in practices that the spiritist research had already demonstrated as being useless and
therefore unnecessary, serving only to give the rational treatment a superstitious aspect. All mediumistic treatment must be gratuitous, according to Kardec’s orientation, because it ultimately depends on the spiritual assistance provided. Spirits do not charge for their services and they are not in favor of our charging in their behalf. Therefore, it must be carried out in doctrinal institutions, where
doctors work as spiritists who possess medical knowledge as well, excluding the professionalism. The spiritist service is of self-denial; it is the payment that mediums and doctors make to God, through the human suffering they have alleviated, and for the many blessings they receive daily. Those who do not
understand this, permitting themselves to be controlled by greed, will end up fatally overwhelmed and subjugated by the inferior spirits.
The purity of intentions on the part of the mediums and doctors is the only possible guarantee for the effectiveness of the mediumistic treatment. As was stated by Kardec, the lack of attachment to worldly interests is the first condition of interest the Superior Spirits have in our efforts on behalf of our fellow man.
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