Преводи на оригинални творби на френския професор педагог и основател на Спиритизма Алан Кардек, послания на медиума Шико Шавиер и други автори по теми като смъртта, живота в отвъдното, прераждането, изкуплението, самоубийството, обсебването, болестите, духовете и помощ за живите загубили свои близки.

The Astral City book by the brazilian medium Chico Xavier

Introduction to the First English Edition - The Astral City "Nosso Lar"

Through the course of history, man has progressively received information about the afterlife according to his ability to assimilate it.

Chapter 1 - In The Lower Zones

I was under the impression that I had lost all notion of time and space. I was convinced that I no longer belonged to the world of the living, yet I continued to inhale deep breaths of air.

Since when had I become the puppet of irresistible forces? I could not say. I felt like a prisoner, trapped in .... 

Read the full chapter here:  https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/01/in-lower-zones-astral-city.html

Chapter 2 - Clarence 

Suicidal criminal! Infamous wretch! I heard insults from all directions. But where were they coming from? At times I caught glimpses of them as they slipped in and out of the darkness. Through my despair, mustering all my strength, I threw myself against them. In vain I beat the air in my show of rage. I heard laughter as they vanished again into the shadows.

Chapter 3 - Collective Prayer

As we advanced, I saw from my stretcher the pleasant surroundings which slowly unfolded to my view. Clarence, leaning on a staff made of some luminous substance, stopped before a heavy gate built into a great wall which was covered with a flowery wine. He touched a certain spot in the wall, the gate opened wide, and we entered in a silent procession.

Read the full chapter here: https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/01/chapter-3-collective-prayer.html

Chapter 4 - The Spirit Doctor

I awoke the following day after a deep, refreshing sleep. A comforting light poured through my window, bathing everything in the room with radiance and felling my heart with hope...

Read the full chapter here: https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/01/chapter-4-spirit-doctor.html

Chapter 5 - Under Treatment

“Are you Clarence’s ward?”

The question was put to me by a young man with a singularly kind expression. He smiled as he entered, carrying what looked like a large medical bag. I nodded that I was, and he introduced himself:

“I am Lysias, your brother. My director, Assistant Doctor Henry de Luna, has placed you under my care as long as you need treatment.”...

Read the full chapter here: https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/01/chapter-5-under-treatment.html

Chapter 6 - Precious Advice 

The following day, after the evening prayer, Clarence came to see me accompanied by my attendant. Radiating kindness, he asked affectionately:

“How are you? A little better, I hope?”...

Read the full chapter here: https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/02/chapter-6-precious-advice.html

Chapter 7 - Lysias Explains 

Lysias came daily for my treatment and Clarence continued to visit me regularly. I began to feel at ease as I endeavored to adapt myself to my new situation. I noticed, though, that I would quickly relapse any time I began to dwell on my problems. The anguish, the fear of the unknown...

Read the full chapter here: https://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/2025/02/chapter-7-lysias-explains.html

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