The universe comprises the infinity of worlds, both of those we see and those we do not see all animate and inanimate beings all the stars that revolve in space, and all fluids with which space is filled.
37. Has the universe been created, or has it existed from all eternity, like God?
"Assuredly the universe cannot have made itself; and if it had existed from all eternity, like
God, it could not be the work of God."
Reason tells us that the universe cannot have made itself, and that, as it could not be the work of chance, it must be the work of God.
38. How did God create the universe?
"To borrow a well-known expression, by His will. Nothing can give a better idea of the action
of that all-powerful will than those grand words of Genesis, "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."
39. Can 'we know how worlds are formed?
"All that can be said on this subject, within the limits of your comprehension, is this: Worlds
are formed by the condensation of the matter disseminated in space."
40. Are comets, as is now supposed, a commencement of condensation of the primitive matter-worlds in course of formation?
Yes but it is absurd to believe in the influence attributed to them. I mean, the influence which
is commonly attributed to them; for all the heavenly bodies have their share of influence in
the production of certain physical phenomena."
41. Is it possible for a completely formed world to disappear, and for the matter of which it is
composed to be again disseminated in space?
From The Spirit's Book - Chapter III - Creation - Formation of Worlds - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB
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