Преводи на оригинални творби на френския професор педагог и основател на Спиритизма Алан Кардек, послания на медиума Шико Шавиер и други автори по теми като смъртта, живота в отвъдното, прераждането, изкуплението, самоубийството, обсебването, болестите, духовете и помощ за живите загубили свои близки.

сряда, 22 януари 2025 г.

Attributes of the Divinity - The Spirit's Book

10. Can man comprehend the essential nature of God?

"No; he lacks the sense required for comprehending it."

11. Will man ever become able to comprehend the mystery of the Divinity?

"When his mind shall no longer be obscured by matter, and when, by his perfection, he shall
have brought himself nearer to God, be will see and comprehend Him."

The inferiority of the human faculties renders it impossible for man to comprehend the essential nature of God. In the infancy of the race, man often confounds the Creator with the creature, and attributes to the former the imperfections of the latter. But, in proportion 55 his moral sense becomes developed, man's thought penetrates more deeply into the nature of things, and he is able to form to himself a juster and more rational idea of the Divine Being, although his idea of that Being must always be imperfect and incomplete.

12. If we cannot comprehend the essential nature of God, can we have an idea of some of His perfections?

"Yes, of some of them. Man comprehends them better in proportion as he raises himself
above matter; he obtains glimpses of them through the exercise of his intelligence."

13. When we say that God is eternal, infinite, unchangeable, immaterial, unique, all-
powerful, sovereignty just and good, have we not a complete idea of His attributes?

"Yes, judging from your point of view, because you think that you sum up everything in those
terms; but you must understand that there are things which transcend the intelligence of the
most intelligent man, and for which your language, limited to your ideas and sensations, has no expressions. Your reason tells you that God must possess those perfections in the supreme degree; for, if one of them were lacking, or were not possessed by Him in an infinite degree, he would riot be superior to all, and consequently would not be God. In order to be above all things, God must undergo no vicissitudes, He must have none of the imperfections of which the imagination can conceive."

God is eternal. If He had had a beginning, He must either have sprung from nothing, or have been created by some being anterior to Himself. It Is thus mat, step by step, we arrive at the idea of infinity and eternity.

God is unchangeable. If He were subject to change, the laws which rule the universe would have no stability.

God is immaterial, that is to say, that His nature differs from every-thing that we call matter, or otherwise. He would not be unchangeable, for He would be subject to the transformations of matter.

God is unique. If there were several Gods, there would be neither unity of plan nor unity of power in the ordaining of the universe.

God is all-powerful because He is unique. If He did not possess sovereign power, there would be something more powerful, or no less powerful, than Himself. He would not have created all things and hose which He had not created would be the work of another God.

God is sovereignty just and good. The providential wisdom of the divine laws Is revealed as clearly In the smallest things as In the greatest and this wisdom renders it impossible to doubt either His justice or His

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - Attributes of the Divinity - Ed Federação Espírita Brasileira FEB

Animal's Mediumship

A dog and cat do not posses true mediumistic faculties

ANIMAL'S MEDIUMSHIP: The irrational beings do not possess true mediumistic faculties. However, they have embryonic psychic perceptions, conditioned to their evolutionary state, through which they can act as deliberately disturbing entities, with lower purposes, to create perplexity in those who accompany them in certain situations.

THE CONSOLER "O Consolador" - Emmanuel - 1940 year

Within Theosophy, C.W. Leadbeater, in his book "Clairvoyance," asserts that some primitive beings (savages), common in Central Africa and even in Western Europe, develop a type of etheric-level clairvoyance that is spontaneous, passive, and uncontrolled. He claims that paranormal abilities are in accordance with the spiritual development of each being.

But in the case of animals, paranormality is at the etheric level. A dog, a cat, or any other irrational animal does not have a developed physical or spiritual vehicle within its structures to perceive astral spheres. They can sense pressure, detect smells, and even perceive certain etheric shapes, but they do not see spirits unless those spirits materialize. 

Allan Kardec in "The Book of Mediums," question 236 - Chapter 21, corroborates this statement.

"It is certain that spirits can become visible and tangible to animals, and often the sudden terror they display, without their perception of the cause, is determined by the sight of one or many spirits, malevolent towards the individuals present or towards the owners of the animals. More frequently, you see horses refusing to move forward or backward, or rearing up in front of an imaginary obstacle. Be assured that this imaginary obstacle is almost always a spirit or a group of spirits preventing their movement. Remember Balaam's donkey, which, seeing an angel before it and fearing the flaming sword, obstinately refused to take a step forward. The angel wanted to make itself visible only to the animal before manifesting visibly to Balaam, but, I repeat, we do not mediate directly with animals or inanimate matter. We require a human medium because we need the union of similar fluids, which we do not find in animals or inanimate matter."

Reviewed an translated by Márcio Varela

Original author Beraldo Figueiredo.

вторник, 21 януари 2025 г.

Prayer to Doctor Bezerra de Menezes

We beseech You, Father of Infinite Kindness and Justice, the graces of Jesus Christ, through Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of companions. May they assist us, Lord, consoling the afflicted, curing those who deserve it, comforting those who have trials and expiations to go through, clarifying those who desire to know the Truth and helping all those who appeal to Your Infinite Love.

Jesus, Divine Bearer of Grace and of Truth, extend Your hands full of gifts in succor of those who recognize You as the Faithful and Prudent Steward; do this, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your Holy Spirits, so that Faith may be elevated, Hope increased, Kindness expanded, and Love may triumph over all things.

Bezerra de Menezes, Apostle of Good and of Peace, friend of the humble and the sick, move your friendly phalanxes in benefit of those who suffer physical or spiritual ailments. Holy Spirits, worthy workers of the Lord, spread graces and cures over suffering humanity so that the emanature may become friends of Peace and of Knowledge, of Harmony and of Forgiveness, sowing throughout the world the Divine Examples of Jesus Christ.

Thank god

Proofs of the Existence of God - The Spirit's Book

4. What proof have we of the existence of God?

"The axiom which you apply in all your scientific researches, 'There is no effect without a cause.' Search out the cause of whatever is not the work of man, and reason will furnish the answer to your question."

To assure ourselves of the existence of God. we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing.

5. What is to be inferred from the intuition of the existence of God which may be said to be
the common property of the human mind?

"That God exists; for whence could the human mind derive this intuition if it had no real basis? The inference to he drawn from the fact of this intuition is a corollary of the axiom.

'There Is no effect without a cause.'"

6. May not our seemingly intuitive sense of the existence of God be the result of education and of acquired ideas?

"If such were the case, how should this intuitive sense be possessed by your savages?"

If the intuition of the existence of a Supreme Being were only the result of education It would not be universal, and would only exist, like all other acquired knowledge, in the minds of those who had received the special education to which it would be due.

7. Is the first cause of the formation of things to be found in the essential properties of matter?

"If such were the case, what would be the cause of those properties? There must always be a first cause."

To attribute the first formation of things to the essential properties of matter, would be to take the effect for the cause, for those properties are themselves an effect, which must have a cause.

8. What is to be thought of the opinion that attributes the first formation of things to a fortuitous combination of matter, in other words, to chance?

"Another absurdity! Who that is possessed of common sense can regard chance as an intelligent agent? And, besides, what is chance? Nothing."

The harmony which regulates the mechanism of the universe can only result from combinations adopted in view of predetermined ends, and thus, by its very nature, reveals the existence of an Intelligent Power. To attribute the first formation
of things to chance is nonsense for chance cannot produce the results of intelligence. If chance could be intelligent, it would cease to be chance.

9. What proof have we that the first cause of all things is a Supreme Intelligence, superior to all other intelligences?

"You have a proverb which says, 'The workman is known by his work.' Look around you, and, from the quality of the work, infer that of the workman."

We judge of the power of an intelligence by its works as no human being could create that which is produced by nature, it is evident that the first cause must be an Intelligence superior to man.

Whatever may be the prodigies accomplished by human intelligence, that intelligence itself must have a cause and the greater the results achieved by it, the greater must be the cause of which it is the effect. It in this Supreme Intelligence that is the first cause of all things, whatever the name by which mankind mad designate it.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - Proofs of the Existence of God

Introduction to the First English Edition - The Astral City "Nosso Lar"

Through the course of history, man has progressively received information
about the afterlife according to his ability to assimilate it. During his brief sojourn on
Earth, man is generally too involved in his worldly affairs to be able to readily conceive
of an invisible plane of life. This being the case, his spiritual education could not but
move at an exceedingly slow pace from its beginning centuries ago.

Revelations pertaining to a spiritual world permeate the scripture of all major
religions in various degrees. These revelations, or instructions, however, were
necessarily limited in scope, and at times cautiously veiled in fragmentary statements of
allegorical language. It is interesting to note, for example, how this instruction process
gradually develops in the Old Testament beginning with the idea of a paradise, and
continuing with references to angels or spiritual messengers, and then to chariots and
horses of fire, followed by the notion of a lower world or Hell, and many other similar
statements implying a transcendental world. In the New Testament, somewhat more
detailed descriptions are added, such as the state of Lazarus and the Rich Man after
death, the Lord’s reference to “many mansions” (John, 14:2), the great and small in the
Kingdom of Heaven, and the “legions of angels” (Matthews, 26:53). There are also
details in some of the Apostles’ writings, specially in the epistles of Paul of Tarsus and in
Revelation. A more significant step is taken in the latter to describe prophetic scenes of
what appears to be a real, inhabited world with horsemen, angelic beings, a city with
twelve gates, and the “pure river of the water of life” (Revelation, 22:1). The mechanics
of judgment and the importance of our deeds are also described in Revelation.

After the Biblical period, only sporadic descriptions of the life beyond were
recorded, and these were sometimes separated by centuries. Among the better known
are to be found in the Mohammedan scriptures, in Dante’s and St. Theresa’s visions, and
in the writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg, Johan Kaspar Lavater and Joseph Smith. The
centuries that passed were apparently necessary for mankind to ponder, analyze and
digest the older revelations. In the mid-nineteenth century, however, this pattern
changed, and the information process began to accelerate. This change was marked
specially by a worldwide outburst of mediumship with an abundant flow of spirit
messages, and by Allan Kardec’s codification of the Spiritist Doctrine in France. In the
century that followed, more information concerning the beyond was available to man
than in all past centuries combined.

Spirit communications have always cause, and are still causing, a stir. They have been misunderstood and misused at times, but regardless of man’s reaction to
them, they are here for a lofty purpose and they bear the sanction of both The Old and
The New Testaments. Needless to say, these communications, to be constructive, must
be approached with a responsible and reverent attitude.

The Astral City is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable works contributing
to this new awareness. It stands as one more sign that a new era of transcendental
knowledge is in process, and that the age of veiled references to the life beyond is
receding. Furthermore, it presents to us a Spirit world of an amazingly realistic nature. At times, we tend to be surprised at the quasi-material aspects of 'The Astral
City' colony. After careful consideration, however, we begin to see the wisdom of God's
laws which afford the spirit a gradual adaptation to a life without the grosser
material body. It has been repeatedly confirmed by reliable messages that the etherical
replicas of the physical world are a common event in the next plane of existence.
Indeed, the similarities of the two worlds are at times so confusing to the newly
departed that the spirit mistakes them for material life, often ignoring the fact that
death has occurred and that he has lost his physical body. Bearing in mind these and
other basic principles of transition expounded by The Astral City we begin to conceive of
a hereafter that is within the realm of Nature; a realm equally ruled by just laws of cause
and effect. The environment André Luiz describes in this book apparently belongs to the
category of an etheric advanced type of Earth life where spirits dwell while in
preparation for higher, more imponderable worlds or for the return to another
experience in the flesh.

The lay reader may at this point be asking about André Luiz and his relation to
Francisco Cândido Xavier. In most mediumnistic works, at least two entities are
involved: the medium and the communicating discarnate entity. In the present case, the
medium is Xavier and the spirit author André Luiz, which is a pen name the spirit chose
in order to disguise his former identity on Earth for reasons explained elsewhere in the
book. The only available information about the identity of this spirit is that he was a
fairly well known physician who lived in the early part of this century in Rio de Janeiro.
The many attempts, motivated by natural human curiosity, to further identify him have
resulted in mere speculations. André Luiz has transmitted to the medium Xavier, mainly
through automatic writing, other books as relevant and revealing as The Astral City most
of which were published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation in Brazil. Several of André
Luiz books and many of his individual messages have also been translated into other

Francisco Cândido Xavier, or Chico Xavier, as everybody knows him, is a
medium all of Brazil admires and loves. His stupendous spiritual gifts and great literary
success (close to 250 books. Xavier has donated the copyrights of all his works, which to
date have sold in the neighborhood of six million copies) have not affected his goodness
and humility. Soon after his fortieth year of spiritual and social service, Brazil seemed to
awaken to Chico’s effort and dedication. He was then proclaimed an honorary citizen of
Uberaba, the city where he now lives. This official gesture was followed by many other
cities and towns throughout the country, each also making him their honorary citizen.
His appearances before panels of intellectual on Brazilian television networks, some
lasting several hours, have earned him national respect for the wisdom with which he
answered, under spiritual guidance, the controversial questions put to him.

It is with great satisfaction that we present to the English speaking reader this
highly significant book. We feel sure that after pondering its contents, our readers will
agree with us that the old saying “no one ever returned to tell” is seriously challenged
by this work and that, through it, greater light is shed on the words of the Master Jesus:

“In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John, 14:2).

August, 1986.

S J Haddad

Reviewed by Márcio Varela

From the book The Astral City "Nosso Lar" - GEAE Grupo de Estudos Avançados Espíritas - October 15 2000

понеделник, 20 януари 2025 г.

Christian Imperatives

Spirit Doctor Andre Luiz

By the spirit Andre Luiz

Learn – humbly.
Teach – practising.
Administer – by educating.
Obey – willingly.
Love – edifyingly.
Fear – yourself.
Suffer – benefitingyourself.
Speak – constructively.
Hear – without malice.
Help – by elevating others.
Assist –uplifting others
Pass by – serving.
Pray – serenely.
Ask – with discernment.
Wait – working.
Believe – actively.
Trust – watchfully.
Receive – and distribute.
Attend – graciously.
Cooperate – with detachment.
Offer urgent assistance – through improvement.
Examine circumstances – with criterion.
Clarify – respectfully.
Sow – without anxiety.
Study – while perfecting.
Walk – with everyone.
Advance – offering help.
Act – for the general good.
Correct – with kindness.
Forgive – continuously.

Value time. Organise your work knowing that each day has its obligations.
Do not be anxious.
Serve everyone with detachment.
Be happy, just and grateful.
Never impose your point of view.
Remember that the world was not made only for you.

Social sciences of today present these principles as being new. However, they are ancient, having come to Earth with Christ almost twenty centuries ago. But we, who are slow to
comprehend, are even slower in applying them.

Source Christian Agenda - By the spirit Andre Luiz - Trough Francisco Cândido Xavier

God - The Spirit's Book

God and Infinity

1. What is God?

"God is the Supreme Intelligence-First Cause of all things."

2. What is to be understood by infinity?

"That which has neither beginning nor end; the unknown: all that is unknown is infinite.''

3. Can it be said that God is infinity?

"An incomplete definition. Poverty of human speech incompetent to define what transcends
human intelligence."

God is infinite in His perfections, but "infinity" is an abstraction. To say that God is infinity is to
substitute the attribute of a thing for the thing itself, and to define something unknown by reference to some other thing equally unknown.
The passage placed between inverted commas after each question is the reply made by the
communicating spirits, whose very words are given textually throughout the whole of this
book. The remarks and developments occasionally added by the author are printed in smaller type wherever they might otherwise be confounded with the replies of the spirits themselves.

Where the author's remarks occupy an entire chapter or chapters, the ordinary type is used, as, in that case, no such confusion could occur.

From The Spirit's Book - Chapter I - God

The Twenty-six ways to identify if a communication comes from a benevolent spirit

Spiritist Communication

Whether you are a spiritualist or not, you have probably found yourself in a situation where someone has conveyed a "message" to you, received by a medium, fortune teller, or "psychic," with you as the special recipient. 

It is also very likely that you know people who consult with and receive instructions from spirits in order to obtain quick solutions to their problems or afflictions. There is also the case of that neighbor of yours who "receives" such and such an entity and "works" at home.

Well, you must have been in doubt, unable to discern the content of these messages. Could they really have come from a spirit? Or at least, did this spirit have a superior moral character deserving of your trust?

Taking this question further into the strictly psychic field, of spiritual influence, to which we are all subject and which occurs unconsciously in the routine of our lives, we can observe the nature of our own mental cogitations. What are we considering? Whatever it is, is it worthy of someone concerned with spiritual self-education?

Answers to mediumistic questions can be found in the works of Allan Kardec.

The codifier of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, in his work The Mediums' Book, made all this very clear, and for the scholars of the doctrine, what we are talking about here is no news. But, for those who are just arriving and for those who are interested in reviewing what they have learned, here are 26 ways to identify if a communication is coming from a superior spirit or not:

There is no other criterion for discerning the value of spirits than common sense. We know the spirits by their language and their advice, that is, by the feelings they inspire and the counsel they give. Once it is admitted that good spirits can only say and do good, anything that is evil cannot come from a good spirit. The language of higher spirits is always dignified, noble, and elevated, without any mixture of trivialities. They communicate everything with simplicity and modesty, never boasting, nor displaying their knowledge or their position among others. The language of lower or ordinary spirits always reflects some human passions. Any expression indicating baseness, presumption, arrogance, bragging, or acrimony is a characteristic sign of inferiority, or of fraud if the spirit presents itself under a respectable and venerated name.

It is not by the material form nor by the correctness of the style that one judges a spirit, but rather by probing its inner nature, scrutinizing its words, weighing them coldly, maturely, and without prejudice. Any deviation from logic, reason, and wisdom leaves no doubt as to its origin, regardless of the name with which the communicating spiritual entity is dressed.

The language of elevated spirits is always identical, if not in form, at least in substance. They are not contradictory. Good spirits only speak of what they know; they remain silent or admit their ignorance about what they do not know. Evil spirits speak on all subjects with confidence, without concern for the truth. Any well-known scientific heresy or any principle that shocks common sense reveals the fraud if the spirit claims to be enlightened.

It is easy to recognize frivolous spirits by the ease with which they predict the future and specify material facts that are not given for us to know. Good spirits may provide a sense of future things when such knowledge is useful, but they never specify dates: any announcement of an event with a fixed time period is an indication of a hoax. The elevated spirits express themselves in a simple manner, without verbosity. Their style is concise, without excluding the poetry of ideas, using expressions that are always intelligible and accessible to everyone, not requiring effort to be understood. They possess the art of saying many things with few words because each word carries its own importance. The lower spirits, or false sages, hide their empty thoughts under pretension and emphasis. Their language is often pretentious, ridiculous, or obscure in an effort to appear profound.

But it's not.

The Good spirits never give orders; they do not impose, they counsel, and if they are not listened to, they withdraw. Evil spirits are imperious, give orders, demand to be obeyed, and remain regardless. Any spirit that imposes itself betrays its origin. They are exclusive and absolute in their opinions, and they claim to have the sole privilege of truth. They demand blind belief and do not appeal to reason, because they know reason would unmask them.

Good spirits do not flatter. They approve when good is done, but always with reservations. The bad spirits give exaggerated praise, stimulate pride and vanity, preach humility, and seek to exalt the personal importance of those they wish to captivate. Superior spirits transcend the trivialities of form and in all aspects. Only common spirits may attach importance to petty details, which are incompatible with truly elevated ideas. Any meticulous prescription is a sure sign of inferiority and fraud on the part of a spirit assuming an important name. Be wary of the bizarre and ridiculous names adopted by certain spirits that wish to impose on the credulous. It would be exceedingly absurd to take these names seriously.

Be wary of spirits that readily present themselves with highly revered names and accept their words only with the greatest caution. In such cases, a stringent and indispensable control is necessary, because, frequently, it is a mask they assume to make one believe in alleged intimate connections with exceptional spirits. Through this means, they flatter the medium's vanity and take advantage of it to lead them constantly into regrettable or ridiculous actions. 

The Good spirits are very scrupulous about the attitudes they can advise. In all cases, they never advise if there is no serious and eminently useful objective. All those that do not have this character, or are not in accordance with reason, must be considered suspicious. It is also necessary to carefully reflect on all the advice received so as not to run the risk of exposing yourself to unpleasant mystifications.

The Good spirits can also be recognized by their prudent reserve in all matters that could be compromising. They are reluctant to reveal wrongdoing. Frivolous or malevolent spirits take pleasure in highlighting it. While good spirits seek to soften errors and preach indulgence, bad ones exaggerate and sow discord through wicked insinuations.

The Good spirits prescribe only what is good. Any maxim, any advice that is not strictly in accordance with pure evangelical charity cannot be the work of good spirits. The Good spirits never advise anything but perfectly rational things. Any recommendation that deviates from the straight path of common sense or the immutable laws of nature indicates a limited spirit and, consequently, one that is not very trustworthy.

Evil spirits, or simply imperfect ones, still betray themselves through certain material signs by which they could deceive no one. Their influence on the medium is sometimes violent, causing abrupt and jerky movements, a feverish and convulsive agitation, which contrasts with the calmness and gentleness of good spirits. The Imperfect spirits frequently take advantage of the means of communication at their disposal to give pernicious advice. They incite distrust and animosity against those they dislike; those who can expose their deceit are, above all, the object of their censure. Weak men are their target to induce them to do evil. By employing sophisms, sarcasms, insults, and even material signs of their hidden power successively to better convince, they seek to divert them from the path of truth.

The spirit of men who had a singular concern on Earth, whether material or moral, if they are not freed from the influence of matter, are still under the dominion of earthly ideas and carry with them a part of the prejudices, preferences, and even obsessions they had in this world. This is easy to recognize by their language.

The knowledge with which certain spirits adorn themselves, with a kind of ostentation, is not a sign of their superiority. The unalterable purity of moral feelings is, in this respect, the true proof of their moral superiority.

It is not enough to interrogate a spirit to know the truth. First and foremost, it is necessary to know to whom one is addressing, because inferior spirits, ignorant themselves, treat the most serious matters with frivolity. It is also not enough for a spirit to have had a great name on Earth to possess sovereign science in the spiritual world. Only virtue, by purifying it, can bring it closer to God and develop its knowledge.

From the higher spirits, wit is often fine and keen but never trivial. Among the witty spirits who are not coarse, biting satire is always very timely.

By carefully studying the character of the spirits that present themselves, especially from a moral standpoint, one can recognize their nature and the degree of trust that can be granted to them. Common sense would not be deceived.

To judge spirits, as well as to judge men, one must first know how to judge oneself. Unfortunately, there are many people who take their personal opinion as the exclusive measure of good and bad, true and false. Anything that contradicts their way of seeing things, their ideas, the system they have conceived or adopted, is bad in their eyes. Such individuals obviously lack the primary quality for a fair assessment: the rectitude of judgment. But they do not suspect this. It is the fault about which we most deceive ourselves. We believe that keeping these considerations in mind, it becomes much easier to discern the quality of our own thoughts and to guard ourselves against so much charlatanism that has been distorting the enlightening essence of spiritism out there.

Translate by Márcio Varela

In Portuguese https://lardoespiritismo.blogspot.com/2024/05/vinte-e-seis-maneiras-de-identificar-se.html

(Original Source: Paul Apostle Spiritist Study Center - Ceepa, Mirassol - São Paulo)

четвъртък, 9 януари 2025 г.

Спиритизма на 9 езика KARDECPEDIA

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неделя, 10 март 2024 г.

Книга „17те инкарнации на Еустакио“ - мини курс със коментари в YouTube

Книга „17те инкарнации на Еустакио“ - мини курс със коментари в YouTube

Коментари от мен, Павлина Николова, в ролята ми на регресионист в минали животи и човек свидетел на множество съдби през последните 13 години.

Чуйте Въведението за повече детайли:

Изучаването на всеки отделен живот и престоя в духовните зони между инкарнациите изисква акцентиране и задълбочаване в някои моменти. Надявам се, че за всички слушатели това ще е едно полезно и интересно пътуване, което на практика показва как функционират божествените закони. Някъде там сред всички описани животи вярвам, че всеки ще зърне и самия себе си на нивото, в което се припознава сега, със същите слабости или силни черти, които героя носи. Независимо къде се припознаем важно е да стигнем до края и да видим как Духовния План подпомага всеки за растежа и еволюцията му. Това е нашия шанс сега да станем дори още по-възпримечиви за помощта на нашите Духовни Водачи и всички хора инкарнирани заедно с нас да ни подкрепят и напътстват.
Книга „17те инкарнации на Еустакио“ може да изтеглите от тук

вторник, 31 януари 2023 г.

Програма Преход - Обсебването обяснено от Спиритизма


Навсякъде около нас има духове от различни нива на еволюция и морално и интелектуално развитие, които редовно ни влияят чрез техните внушения и интуиция, били те позитивни или негативни, в зависимост от природата на духа. Това е, защото материалния свят, в който ние живеем оперира в едно постоянно взаимодействие с духовната сфера, която съществува паралелно с него. Съществата от двата свята са способни да влияят и да си въздействат едно на друго.

Да не забравяме само, че самите ние също сме духове – инкарнирани във физическо тяло в дадения момент, в нашето прераждане на земята.

Помощ от Спиритисткия център при случай на обсебване на едно семейство 

КАКВО Е ОБСЕБВАНЕ, режим на действие 1 ЧАСТ 

Обсебване – Причини, 2 ЧАСТ – минали животи, неразвит медиумизъм 

Лечение и терапия на Обсебване – 3 ЧАСТ 


„Бандите“ в Духовния Свят – Склоняване в пътя на злото – Обсебване 5 ЧАСТ 

ЕВАНГЕЛИЕТО У ДОМА – за защита от негативни влияния и терапия на обсебване 

вторник, 10 януари 2023 г.

Покана за Курс Механизми на Медиумизма през погледа на Спиритизма

Скъпи приятели, който следвате нашите материали.

Обръщаме се към вас, които искате да научите повече за този божествен дар, наречен медиумизъм.

Медиумизмът означава съжителство с духовния свят. Това е естествената тенденция на всички същества, защото ние сме безсмъртни Духове, временно потопени в плътта.

Всички имаме тази дарба. Някои повече, други по-малко. Следователно всички сме медиуми.

Колко от нас не са преживявали ярки сънища, проблясъци за бъдещето, духовни присъствия, спонтанни спомени от минали животи? Всичко това е отражение на връзката между инкарнираните и дезинкарнирани Духове.

Особено децата и младежите на Новата Ера, тъй като са по-развити в интелектуално-моралното поле, загрижени да не загубят връзката, която вече са установили с духовните си приятели, ще изискват повече внимание от родителите си. Тези деца и младежи сред различните други задачи имат и тази да събудят у родителите си нуждата от учение за духовния живот.

Ще цитирам три случая, за които съм сигурна, че всички сте преживявали подобни или знаете.

Следните истории са доклади от реални хора, събрани в уебсайта Reddit:

1) Сестра ми имаше един въображаем приятел на име Игор, един симпатичен музикант, който свиреше на китара. Обясних ѝ, че това е просто един въображаем приятел и че аз самата съм имала такъв като дете, който се казваше Лука, но че всичко това не е повече от глупост. Тогава тя ми описа напълно Лука и каза, че го познава, но че той вече не я посещава.

2) Преди няколко години дядо ми почина. Няколко дни по-късно отидохме да посетим гроба му. Тъй като нямаше кой да се грижи за моята 2-годишна племенница, накрая я взехме с нас. Пристигайки там, тя се приближила до гроба, вслуша се в нещо и каза: „Дядо много се радва да ни види, благодари ни, че сме дошли тук”. И до днес настръхвам като си помисля.

3) Един ден, на път за колежа, се канех да пресека оживена улица, когато усетих нечия ръка да ме хваща здраво за рамото и да ме спира. Точно в този момент една кола буквално мина на косъм покрай мен. Обърнах се да видя кой ме спаси, но нямаше никой.

Що се отнася до нас, възрастните, ние обичайно чувстваме тревоги, които често са свързани с нашия медиумизъм: чести главоболия без никаква медицинска причина, необяснима умора, мъка и т.н., чиято причина е медиумния флуид, който естествено генерираме, но който не е правилно използван.

Когато се научим да използваме нашия медиумизъм под закрилата на нашите духовни водачи, тогава имаме усещане за изпълнен дълг, лекота и психично и органично благополучие.

За да научим как да се справяме с тази деликатна тема, започвайки от днес, ние инициираме методично и редовно изучаване на механизмите на медиумизма от гледната точка на Спиритизма, което ще обхване доктринални книги и лекциите на Спиритистки Център Леон Денис (СЕЛД) относно „Книга на медиумите“ на Алън Кардек, както и творбите на Леон Денис.

Само за да добием една представа за необходимостта от обучение, един медиум, за да може да работи като медиум в Спиритистки Център Леон Денис в Рио де Жанейро, трябва да изкара един курс, който продължава 4 години, с честота 3 пъти седмично, на края на който ще има и един стаж.

И така, приятели мои, поканата е отправена.

Човек трябва не само да чете, но и сериозно да размишлява върху темите.

Ако дисциплината и отдадеността са от съществено значение за придобиването на която и да е човешка професия, какво да кажем за изучаването на Душата в нейната хилядолетна сага в посока към ангелството!

Механизми на Медиумизма през погледа на Спиритизма включва изучаване:

Всеки Вторник – по 2 глави от книгата на Каирбар Шутел „Медиуми и видове медиумизъм“ (Médiuns e Mediunidades“ – Cairbar Schuttel).

И последния Вторник от месеца – лекция на Спиритистки Център Леон Денис върху въпроси от „Книга на Медиумите“ на Алан Кардек.

Накрая очакваме взаимодействие със слушателите и читателите на този курс, като ни оставят в коментари своите мнения и преживявания.

Можете да проследите целия курс като текстове на фейсбук страница Механизми на Медиумизма през погледа на Спиритизма https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089209173089 както и в аудио формат на Ютуб плейлист: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_qk41s5RSgtT5WlrAdEG7VG

четвъртък, 27 октомври 2022 г.



00:00:01 VII Мнението на науката 
00:09:03 VIII Какво изисква едно сериозно изследване на Спиритизма
00:12:46 IX Задълбочени наблюдения
00:17:15 X Някои от възраженията - езика, който използват Духовете
00:21:33 XI Още възражения - Духовете на известни персони
00:23:28 XII Проверка на идентичността на общуващия Дух
00:30:15 XIII Разлики в отговорите според знанието и морала на Духовете
00:34:34 XIV Изразяване на Духовете - идеята е всичко, формата е без значение
00:37:08 XV Страха от непознатото. Опасенията от „полудяване“
00:42:11 XVI Теориите за будния сомнамбулизъм на медиума и за извличане на информация от околната среда без наличие на общуващи духове
00:51:35 XVII Как могат да бъдат придобити познанията, които включва учението на Спиритизма

Основни моменти от доктрината на Спиритизма 6та част от Въведение

Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/vavedenie2-osnovni-momenti-ot-doktrinata-na-spiritisma/

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

вторник, 11 октомври 2022 г.


00:01:09 I Разликата между думите спиритуалист, спиритуализъм и новите термини въведени от Кардек спиритизъм и спиритист.

00:03:07 II Уточнение смисъла на думата душа.

00:11:03 III Отговаряне на възраженията на противниците – 1 част. Първи феномени довели до възникване на доктрината.

00:20:00 IV Намеса на интелигентна сила. Използване на кошница и закрепен молив върху хартия.

00:24:51 V Директно писане. Развитие на комуникациите чрез слово, слух, зрение, докосване. Роля на медиума в отговорите.


Урока в текстов и аудио формат: 

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма


Една много силна книга-учебник от поредицата „Животът в Духовния свят“ на спиритиския медиум Франсиско Кандидо Шавиер (Шико Шавиер) и духовния автор Андре Луис, който среща многобройни нови уроци в новите си учебни опитности на духовна служба в един клон на колония Наш Дом на земната повърхност.

Плейлиста, където ще се акумулират аудио епизодите: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_pE7w2emUlcMkmDvaWKh3Z6

Цялата книга с редакция от Септември 2022 може да изтеглите безплатно ТУК https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wCP2s4t9ne4ePdJwN203qSCA4nFg-UgH/view?usp=sharing

четвъртък, 25 август 2022 г.

Всички последни уроци от Онлайн Курса Принципи на Спиритистката доктрина

Всички 111 онлайн урока може да изслушате или прочетете на линковете предоставени в подстраницата описваща цялото съдържание ТУК

За по-силен звук на всички епизоди от курса слушайте уроците през новия ни сайт, където създадохме и аудио и текстова версия: АУДИО  и уроците по Книга на Духовете в текстова форма

Останалите епизоди от книга „Между Земята и Небето“

Приятели може да намерите линковете за всички епизоди на книгата на Шико Шавиер „Между Небето и Земята“ в списъка ни в този сайт, където е поместено цялото съдържание - тук http://spiritismallankardecbg.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_6.html

сряда, 6 юли 2022 г.

Реинкарнацията на Земята - Подотовка и Планиране - глави 26, 27 и 28 от книгата „Между Земята и Небето“

Глава 26 Майка и син https://youtu.be/TaiQ5cds9XM

Глава 27 Подготовка за завръщане – нуждата от приятелства на земята за планиране на ново прераждане https://youtu.be/xswb6N4n93A

Глава 28 Завръщането – реинкарнацията на една душа от гледна точка на Помощниците в процеса https://youtu.be/x4C57yqF8vg

Книгата в текстови вариант за четене - ТУК

Други книги на медиума Шико Шавиер от поредицата:




Като база за основното разбиране на Спиритизма препоръчваме ОНЛАЙН КУРСА ПРИНЦИПИ НА СПИРИТИСТКАТА ДОКТРИНА - И ВСИЧКИ СТАТИИ И ПРЕВОДИ НА НАШИЯ САЙТ https://nash-dom.org/

Урок 106 За оголването на всички наши постъпки в Духовния Свят и възприятия на различните нива души


Урок 106 За оголването на всички наши постъпки в Духовния Свят и възприятия на различните нива души https://youtu.be/1QQGvzEu0oQ

Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/text-principi-na-sd-106/

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

Урок 105 ХАРАКТЕР НА БЪДЕЩИТЕ СТРАДАНИЯ И РАДОСТИ. Три примера за състоянието на душите след смъртта


Урок 105 ХАРАКТЕР НА БЪДЕЩИТЕ СТРАДАНИЯ И РАДОСТИ. Три примера за състоянието на душите след смъртта https://youtu.be/lhXRaOmARCU

Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/text-principi-na-sd-105/

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

Урок 104 Небитие. Бъдещ живот. Интуиция за бъдещите наказания и компенсации


Урок 104 Небитие. Бъдещ живот. Интуиция за бъдещите наказания и компенсации https://youtu.be/daiDgiA6VVA

Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/text-principi-na-sd-104/

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

сряда, 1 юни 2022 г.

Урок 103 Недоволство от живота. САМОУБИЙСТВО


Урок 103 Недоволство от живота. САМОУБИЙСТВО

Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/text-principi-na-sd-103/

Очакваме вашите коментари, въпроси или просто мнение под статията в сайта или във фейсбук група Спиритизъм/ Spiritism - https://www.facebook.com/groups/704234613047102/

Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

Глава 25 Помирение – когато възвишената любов проникне в сърцето

Aудио книга „Между Земята и Небето“ на медиума Шико Шавиер 

Глава 25 Помирение – когато възвишената любов проникне в сърцето https://youtu.be/2PTAKGmo79A

Книгата в текстови вариант за четене - ТУК

Други книги на медиума Шико Шавиер от поредицата:




Като база за основното разбиране на Спиритизма препоръчваме ОНЛАЙН КУРСА ПРИНЦИПИ НА СПИРИТИСТКАТА ДОКТРИНА - И ВСИЧКИ СТАТИИ И ПРЕВОДИ НА НАШИЯ САЙТ https://nash-dom.org/

Глава 24 Възстановяваща обич

Aудио книга „Между Земята и Небето“ на медиума Шико Шавиер 

Глава 24 Възстановяваща обич https://youtu.be/LivDaMjw47A

Книгата в текстови вариант за четене - ТУК

Други книги на медиума Шико Шавиер от поредицата:




Като база за основното разбиране на Спиритизма препоръчваме ОНЛАЙН КУРСА ПРИНЦИПИ НА СПИРИТИСТКАТА ДОКТРИНА - И ВСИЧКИ СТАТИИ И ПРЕВОДИ НА НАШИЯ САЙТ https://nash-dom.org/

Глава 23 Майчина жалба – трансформацията на един дух обсесор търсещ отмъщение от ревност

Aудио книга „Между Земята и Небето“ на медиума Шико Шавиер 

Глава 23 Майчина жалба – трансформацията на един дух обсесор търсещ отмъщение от ревност https://youtu.be/O4bHJm-WBxo

Книгата в текстови вариант за четене - ТУК

Други книги на медиума Шико Шавиер от поредицата:




Като база за основното разбиране на Спиритизма препоръчваме ОНЛАЙН КУРСА ПРИНЦИПИ НА СПИРИТИСТКАТА ДОКТРИНА - И ВСИЧКИ СТАТИИ И ПРЕВОДИ НА НАШИЯ САЙТ https://nash-dom.org/

сряда, 18 май 2022 г.

Глава 22 Сестра Клара - пречистеното чувство, способно да гарантира обновяването на душата

Aудио книга „Между Земята и Небето“ на медиума Шико Шавиер 

Глава 22 Сестра Клара - пречистеното чувство, способно да гарантира обновяването на душата https://youtu.be/xDc7YiN5ooU


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четвъртък, 12 май 2022 г.

Урок 102 Страх от смъртта. Помощ от духовния свят в процеса на дезинкарнация.


Урок 102 Страх от смъртта. Помощ от духовния свят в процеса на дезинкарнация https://youtu.be/Tbjjq8YDPTg

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Урока в текстов и аудио формат: https://nash-dom.org/text-principi-na-sd-102/

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Всички предишни и следващи уроци може да намерите в тази плейлиста: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnTgcZReG7_or0ZGqunKS9rp2MjAal6zS

https://nash-dom.org/ Наш Дом - Всичко за Спиритизма

неделя, 8 май 2022 г.

Урок 7 - Создание живых существ и заселение Земли АДАМ

Онлайн-курс Принципы Спиритической Доктрины на русском языке


Урок 7 - Создание живых существ и заселение Земли АДАМ 

Создание живых существ

43. Когда земля стала пригодной для жизни?

«Вначале все было в хаосе; элементы смешались в состоянии беспорядка. Постепенно все заняло свое место. Потом появились живые существа, приспособленные к состоянию земного шара».

После процесса творения, описанного в предыдущем уроке, где хаос начала начинает становиться организованной планетой будущего, духовный автор Эммануил в своей книге «На пути к свету» /через медиума Шико Ксавье/, глава 1, «Затвердевание материи» говорит следующее:

 Затем в великой мастерской произошла дифференциация измеряемой материи, которая породила водород.

Огромная атмосфера была обширным хранилищем пар и электричества, которые действовали на измученные субстанции земного шара. Однако холод космоса повлиял на эту лабораторию накаленных энергий и конденсацию металлов, происходившей тонким образованием затвердевшей корки.

Это был первый перерыв в бурных геологических катаклизмах земного шара. Образовались первобытные океаны, где тепловатая вода подвергалась трудно поддающемуся описанию давлению. Атмосфера была наполнена водяным паром, и огромные бури пронеслись по поверхности планеты во всех направлениях. Но хаос на Земле наконец удалось контролировать, словно по волшебству. Пейзажи стали светлеть, отражая солнечный свет, сиявший в этом новом театре эволюции и жизни. Руки Иисуса покоились после этого длительного периода хаоса на физических элементах планетарной организации.

сряда, 4 май 2022 г.

Урок 6 - Сотворение и Формирование Миров

Онлайн-курс Принципы Спиритической Доктрины на русском языке




Формирование Миров

Комментарий Кардека: Вселенная включает в себя бесконечность миров, как видимых, так и невидимых, всех живых и неживых существ, всех звезд, вращающихся в пространстве, и всех жидкостей, наполняющих пространство.


37. Была ли создана Вселенная или существует целую вечность, как Бог?

«Конечно, Вселенная не могла быть создана сама собой, и если бы она существовала целую вечность, как Бог, она не могла бы быть делом Бога».

Комментарий Кардека: Разум подсказывает нам, что Вселенная не могла создать себя сама и что, поскольку она не могла быть делом случая, она должна быть работой Бога.