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The Moses prophet |
Some facts that demonstrate the presence of the Invisible Plan in History:
1 Moses, through a phenomenon of combustibility, receives the Tablet of the Ten Commandments from on High - a manifestation of a superior will aiming at the moral awakening of the peoples;
2 Socrates, constantly guided by the spiritual Guide, reveals himself as a precursor of Christianity. "Since my childhood, thanks to the celestial favor, I have been followed by an almost divine Being, whose voice urges me to this or that action."
3 Paul of Tarsus, at the gates of Damascus, has a vision of the Nazarene in perfect luminous configuration, thereby converting to an apostle and mediator of the Master;
4 The Oracles were hubs of mediumistic exchange, where sibyls, pythons, and pythonesses worked. People from all social classes, including public authorities, visited these places, receiving the most diverse guidance.
5 Caesar, the great Roman emperor, consulted the soothsayer Spurina, who informed him that something very serious would happen in his life. On the predicted date, March 15th, he went to the Senate and there received 23 stab wounds;
6 Joan of Arc, the French heroine, guided by the "voices from Heaven," takes on the mission to free her homeland from English rule. Persecuted as a heretic, she subjects herself to the inquisitorial sacrifice, but in the extreme moment, still claims to hear the spirits;
7 Queen Victoria, the sovereign who remained in power the longest in English history, spent 30 years holding conversations with her late husband Albert through the medium John Brown. The major decisions of her government had the direct participation of his spirit.
8 Catherine of Russia is hastily called to see her ghostly double, a materialized entity that lingered on the Queen's throne, surrounded by the Palace guard. Shot by two rifle bullets, it vanished without leaving any sign of its presence.
9 Abraham Lincoln, the American president, held spiritualist sessions at the White House. He himself had mediumistic abilities, to the point of foreseeing his own death, which occurred on April 15, 1865.
10 Harriet Beecher Stowe psychographed the famous book "Uncle Tom's Cabin." "This book was not written by me. I did nothing but take note of what they told me";
11 In 1883, Dom Bosco, in Turin, dreamt of the cradle of the New Civilization of the Third Millennium, which should arise between the 15th and 20th parallels of the hemisphere. Sixty years later, at the predicted location and time, JK built Brasília.
Countless other facts could still be mentioned. These are realities brought to public knowledge by the mainstream press, that is, through normal communication channels.
Translation and reviewed by Márcio Varela
Original Source: Spiritist Review 1860 - Allan Kardec- Year III, No. 9
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